Russian language and literature

Practice bases and employment

Professional practice

Types and forms of professional practice

Conducting educational, industrial and pre-graduate practices allows the university to establish long-term partnerships with educational institutions of the city and the region, to organize targeted professional training of future teachers in various areas. 

All types of professionally oriented practices (educational, pedagogical, industrial, pre-graduate) are organized taking into account the specifics of the OP. They are a mandatory component in the training of a specialist. 

Based on the educational program and the working curriculum, a professional practice program is offered. Depending on the specifics of the educational program, the following types of practice are planned:

1. Educational practices 

2. Language practice 

3. Pedagogical practice 

4. Pre-graduate practice. 

The purpose of the practice is the practical application of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during theoretical training; the acquisition of students' experience in teaching, organizational and educational activities during the teaching of philological disciplines in secondary schools; checking the degree of readiness for independent pedagogical activity, practical mastery of modern methods and technologies of teaching Russian language and literature at school, including informational technology.

The objectives of the practice:

- deepening and consolidating the theoretical knowledge of students in pedagogy, psychology, teaching methods of the Russian language and literature, as well as the application of this knowledge in educational work; 

- acquisition of practical skills in planning the educational process, developing and conducting traditional and non-traditional forms of lessons, extracurricular activities; 

- formation of skills to organize cognitive activity of students, mastering the methodology of the educational process in the Russian language and literature; 

- independent planning. Conducting, monitoring and correcting scheduled and extra-curricular activities in literature;

- Mastering modern pedagogical technologies in teaching Russian language and literature;

- Formation and development of future teachers of pedagogical skills and professionally significant personality qualities.