Department of Psychology

Practice bases and employment


1. Types, objectives and objectives of practice

1.1 Training practice

The educational practice of preparing an educational program of pedagogy and psychology is called educational and introductory practice and lasts 2 weeks.

Educational practice is carried out by organizing lectures in general education institutions and those belonging to the department.

The goal is the formation of approaches to the professional pedagogical process and its subjects.

- familiarization with professional educational programs;
- general familiarity with the organizational and legal form, structure, management system of the organization, which is the object of the future profession, etc.
- to nurture interest in his profession and strive for the conscious mastery of theoretical knowledge.
- formation of the state of processes of the scientific and pedagogical method, the ability to study the student's personality;
- get acquainted with new techniques;
- familiarization with new innovative types of training;
- work with the necessary visual skills and use them in lessons

Expected results:

- Rules of internal regulations of schools or institutions and educational programs.

- learns the specific features of planning and organizing educational work, analyzes various methodological works.

- Studies the professional activities of the future and the psychological functions and tasks of collective control;

- Applies management and coordination rules;

- selectively summarizes specific didactic materials in the reporting documentation with indication of the analysis results in the training activities.

1.2 Psychological and pedagogical practice

Psychological and pedagogical practice, organized in the 2 course, is aimed at the pedagogical and psychological training of future teachers in accordance with the profession, solving important pedagogical tasks of students as a type of practical activity and lasts two weeks. Students in the first week perform pedagogical tasks, in the second - are evaluated with the fulfillment of psychological tasks.

Purpose: familiarization of students with the scientific fundamentals of psychologist's activity and peculiarities of psychologist's work in education system.

- familiarization with the main work of the educational institution;
- get acquainted with the class teacher, class team and conduct analysis;
- characterize the research team in conducting research work;
- Analyse visits to hours and extracurricular activities;
- control of time zone organization;
- studying ways to characterize the student and the student;

1.3 Teaching Practice

Pedagogical practice is carried out in parallel with theoretical training.

Teaching practices play an important role in the training of teachers. Pedagogical practice is carried out in 2, 3, 4 courses. He sends for pedagogical practice in the organization of general education (institutions of preschool, basic secondary, general secondary, special education) and technical and vocational education.

Pedagogical practice, organized in the 2nd year, occupies psychological and pedagogical practice, and 4-week practice in the 3rd year - educational pedagogical practice, pedagogical practice in the 4th year - 8 weeks.

The purpose of pedagogical practice is the formation in the educational system of professional pedagogical competencies that provide conditions for the social and professional adaptation of students with the design of the educational process, the development of the norms and values ​ ​ of their pedagogical educational programs;

Expected Result:

- gets acquainted with a teacher-psychologist, students approved by the rules of the internal procedure of the school, with the directions of educational work in a modern school and personal documents of a teacher of discipline, students of schools;

- Participates in the pedagogical meeting held at the school and in the classes of leading teacher-teachers;

Expected Result:

- gets acquainted with a teacher-psychologist, students approved by the rules of the internal procedure of the school, with the directions of educational work in a modern school and personal documents of a teacher of discipline, students of schools;

- Participates in the pedagogical meeting held at the school and in the classes of leading teacher-teachers;

- Together with the teacher of the discipline (participation in classes, teaching, questionnaire, interview) with students of extracurricular educational hours according to the plan; Ways of effective use of leisure activities of schoolchildren in working with difficult children of the educational hour for children and adolescents in modern conditions (circles, additional classes, etc.); studies the relationship teacher - student, student - student, parents - disabled - student;

- Organize educational hours and hold 1 open educational hour;

- writes out the psychological characteristics of the class and the individual student, summarizes the results of pedagogical practice.

3.3 Diplomatic practice

Diplomatic practice is organized for students performing thesis work, duration - 4 weeks.

The topic of thesis in the training of personnel of pedagogy and psychology will be aimed at topical issues in the pedagogical and psychological fields.

Diplomatic practice is managed by the supervisor of thesis. The content of diplomatic practice is determined by the topic of thesis or report.

The results of the diploma practice are presented at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology with the preliminary protection of the thesis.

The purpose of diplomatic practice is to justify the writing of a thesis (project).

The main objectives of diplomatic practice are:

- collection, processing and synthesis of practical materials on thesis (project);

- analysis of statistical data and practical materials on the subject of a diploma study;

- odd thesis (project) or report