English language

Educational and methodological works

Scientific achievements and awards:
2019-2020 academic year

The faculty of the department published 5 educational and 1 methodological manual.

In publications with Impact factor-1: Dildabekova A. K., Amalbekova M. B., Turginbaeva L. V. "Types of translation errors in a literary text (based on A. Nurpeisov's Blood and Sweat Trilogy)" SKASE JOURNAL OF TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION ISSN 1336-7811, VOLUME 12 - 2019 No. 2 (Scopus - Q-1, index-0.46) P.2-16

- In the magazines VAK-13,

- In the Republican Scientific and Methodological Journal-11,

- at conferences from near and far abroad -11,

- at international scientific and practical conferences-26,

-At scientific and practical conferences RK-published 21 articles.

Scientific and methodological seminars
(Together with city schools, TESH)

On January 30, 2019, the department held a seminar with the volunteer Joshua Dufour as part of the teaching staff of the faculty, as well as with the participation of English teachers of the Shymkent school named after I. A.S. Pushkin.