English language
Achievements of the faculty
The candidate of pedagogical sciences Smanova Gaziza Ileskhanovna was awarded the honorary title in the field of science "The best candidate of sciences-2019"
The candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor M. Yu. Shingareva was awarded the honorary title in the field of science "The best teacher - 2020"
PhD Duysenova Marzhan at the republican competition organized by the National Center for Innovative Research "Bilim-orkenieti", was awarded the breast medal "Best teacher award - 2019" and "Kazakhstani Ormetti Ustazy", and also entered the book "Best teacher award - 2019" and " Ormetti Ustazy ".
On March 30, 2019, Galina Abramova was awarded a certificate of gratitude for her active participation as a mentor in the "Youth Festival of English Drama -2019".