

About the library

 The library was founded in September 2011 and is a structural unit of the University.

The main purpose of the university library is to provide the educational process and scientific research of students and teaching staff with educational and scientific literature.

Responsibilities of the library:

- - Implementation of the policy and objectives of the UCSPU in the field of quality;

- Fulfillment of the tasks and requirements of the quality management system in the field of quality;

- library, reference, bibliographic and information services for university readers;

- promotion of the library fund, organization of book exhibitions, conferences, seminars and other events;

- scientific processing and systematization of documents;

formation of the library fund, documents providing educational and ---- research processes of the university;

- management of the quantity and quality of publications received, their movement, report, write-off of documents of the library fund;

- accounting of documents coming in and out of the library fund;

- making changes and additions to the book support file in accordance with the curriculum and work programs of the departments;

- analytical and synthetic processing of documents: systematization (according to the tables of CSR, UDC, OS, the author's table of Khavkina), disciplines;

- implementation of full and operational reference, bibliographic and information services for students and teachers of the university, in accordance with the directions of educational and scientific work;

- improving the quality of library services provided on the basis of automation of library information processes;

- ensuring the rational organization of accumulation, storage and implementation of library information resources;

- carrying out activities to improve the professional level of the department's employees.

The library fund is an integral part of information resources and includes educational, methodological and scientific literature, as well as legislative and regulatory acts, periodicals.

The formation of the library fund is carried out in accordance with the thematic plan of acquisition, reflecting the profile of academic disciplines of the educational process.

Currently, the main sources of acquisition for the library are: book trading firms and publishing houses specializing in servicing libraries of higher educational institutions; subscription to periodicals; gifts from individuals and organizations.

The reference and bibliographic apparatus will help to reveal the contents of the library fund. The library organizes and maintains various types of catalogs that differ in size, content and structure: alphabetical, systematic, electronic catalogs.

Alphabetical catalog - is a link with all the catalogues of the library. The cards with the main bibliographic records indicate the full classification index, subject headings, keywords, the number of copies of this publication and their inventory numbers and in which branches of the library they are available. Bibliographic records are placed in alphabetical order of the surnames of individual authors, the names of collective authors or the names of documents.

A systematic catalog is a library catalog in which bibliographic records are arranged by branches of knowledge in accordance with a certain system of universal decimal classification (UDC) and perform an informational function, revealing the contents of the library fund, providing information about literature in various fields of knowledge: the catalog satisfies the demand for literature on general branches, parts or a separate issue.

An electronic catalog is a library catalog in machine-readable form, working in real time and made available to library readers. In addition to the description of books, the electronic catalog contains a description of articles from newspapers and magazines that the library receives, as well as from scientific collections and conference materials.

In the modern era of digitalization, students are given the opportunity to use foreign and national electronic databases. Users use the electronic catalog "KABIS " to determine the stocks of existing books in the university library.

For the purposes of distance learning, the digital library "Aknurpress" and the electronic online library "Smart Kitap" have been purchased for users.

The staff of the library is 11 (eleven) people, all have higher specialized library education.

The library works with the largest libraries of Kazakhstan and the libraries of the city of Shymkent. Library staff participate in conferences and seminars on various topics for professional development.

All structural divisions of the library are equipped with the necessary library equipment and furniture, computer and copying and multiplying equipment.


Шамбулова Халида Камбарбековна

Кітапхана басшысынының орынбасары




Оспанова Тажихан Абибуллаевна





Хамзина Бактыгуль Бастековна


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Рагимова Сауле Казихановна





Таубаева Акмарал Туймебаевна





Керімбаева Элеонора Мәлібекқызы





Мамыраева Ботакоз Ергешалиевна




Сатенова Карлыгаш Абдымаликовна


