Upgrade center "Talаnt"


Upgrade center "Talаnt"

Upgrade center "Talаnt" is the center for managing the intra-university system of professional practice and dual training, interaction with educational institutions, ensuring the quality of students' practical training and career guidance for senior students and graduates.
The main tasks of the Upgrade Center “Talant”:
    implementation of the Policy and Goals of the SKPU in the field of quality;
    fulfillment the duties and requirements of the quality management system in the field of quality; 
    planning, organizatione and improve professional practice and dual education at the university;
    organization and coordination of the work of faculties, departments and other units to ensure professional practice and dual education;
    providing documentation and preparation of credentials for organizing and conducting professional practice and dual training;
    ensuring effective coordination of the work of departments for the organization and conduct of professional practice and dual training.
    organizing and conducting university-wide career events, job fairs, master classes, seminars, trainings, etc.;
    consulting students and graduates on employment issues, as well as the current situation on the labor market;
    establishing, supporting and developing communication with graduates to track their careers;
    preparing graduates for employment and providing employment support.
Main functions of the Talent Center Upgrade:
    plans, organizes and controls professional practice and dual training;
    controls the relevant regulatory documentation of professional practice and dual training, monitors compliance with documents;
    controls the implementation of orders, decrees, instructions and other regulatory documents related to professional practice and dual training in educational programs;
    provides methodological assistance to the structural divisions of the university in professional practice and dual training;
    participates in the preparation and updating of programs of professional practices, guidelines for the organization and conduct of all types of practices;
    draws up a draft list of bases of professional practice;
    maintains a register of cooperation agreements with enterprises for professional practice and the introduction of a dual training system;
    organizes and carries out cooperation of the university with the bases of professional practice and branches of the department;
    draws up documentation on payment of persons conducting all types of practice (appointed from the base of practice), controls the process of formation of hourly wages;
    participates in the discussion of professional practice and the organization and conduct of dual education, issues of employment and career growth of senior students and graduates at the meeting of the Academic Council, Scientific Council;
    monitors the timely preparation of orders for all types of practice;
    represents the interests of the university in matters of supporting employment and career growth of students;
    establishes cooperation with university departments and career centers on the development of the graduate employment system;
    holds career events (master classes, round tables and other events) for high school students and graduates;
    prepares information, reference and analytical materials about the work of the center;
    draws conclusions on professional practice and dual education, employment and career growth of senior students and graduates, provides information for discussion of the annual report at an extended meeting of the Board and Academic Council;
    signs and notarizes documents within his competence;
    gives recommendations on the complete organization and implementation of university services;
    Upgrade center “Talant” conducts all its work on the basis of the University Charter, Internal Labor Regulations and the Rules of this structure.







Korazbekova Karlygash Usipkhankyzy

Head of the Center, PhD

Tel: 8 701 662 3483

Address: Shymkent, A.Baitursynov 13

Kazyna building, building B, room 318

Email: korazbekova.karlygash@okmpu.kz

Yegemberdiyeva Altynay Ilyasovna


Tel: 8 775 928 07 17

Address: Shymkent, A.Baitursynov 13

Kazyna building, building B, room 318

Email:  akow0717@mail.ru

Kuanyshbek Ainur Berikkyzy


Tel: 8 707 456 9093

Address: Shymkent, A.Baitursynov 13

Kazyna building, building B, room 318

Email: aponti.kuanyshbek@gmail.com


Satymkulova Nazerke Valikhankyzy


Tel: 8 771 481 91 08

Address: Shymkent, A.Baitursynov 13

Kazyna building, building B, room 318

Email: Satymkulova1818@mail.ru