Initial military training and physical education
Educational and methodical works
3.1 educational and organizational work
Work performed
Term of execution
Completion Form
Mark of performance
Discussion and approval of the educational and methodological plan of the department for the new academic year.
August 2022.
Head of the Department
Discussion and approval of syllabuses of academic disciplines, independent plans held at the department. Development of the UMK map and educational and methodological support of academic disciplines. Discussion and approval of the guidelines for the control work for students of the Department of distance Learning.
August 2022.
Head of the Department, teaching staff
syllabus, UMK and map of educational and methodological support
To recommend for publication the educational and methodological literature recommended by teachers in academic disciplines for publication in the new academic year.
September 2023.
Head of Department, teaching staff
Individual individual teacher plan
3.2 improvement work
The teacher of the department " initial military training and physical culture " Zhumabaev Arman Bazarbaevich 19.10.2022 from 1030 to 1230 hours held an open lesson on physical culture in the study group 1703-12-1.
Lesson topic: Athletics. Competition rules.
Outdoor games. Run with a stick.
The teacher A. Zhumabayev started classes at the right time, explaining the topic of the lesson to the students, did general warm-up exercises. Students actively performed exercises corresponding to the topic, with team voting. During the general lesson, much attention was paid to outdoor games, relay games were held.
A. Zhumabayev fully mastered the students during the lesson, showed that he is an experienced specialist
The teacher of the department " initial military training and physical culture " Bataev Dulat Alshynbaevich 11.10.2022, from 0930 to 1020, conducted classes in the training group 1401-12 on the discipline drill.
Lesson topic: combat elements. According to the schedule of mutual attendance, senior teachers Kadyrbayev Zh. A., Aidarbekov K. D. and associate professor Kilybaev A. A. were present
The teacher D. Bataev began receiving a report from the student on duty about the group's readiness for classes. After explaining the topic of the lesson, a drill training command was given. The group taught its students to stand in one row, in two rows, in three rows. He taught the techniques of three-, four-consecutive steps and gave each student the commands of a drill exercise. The command attached importance to the clear and distinct sound of the voice. In general, the goals set during the lesson were fully met.
At the end of the lesson, who participated in a mutual lesson
Teacher of the Department" primary military training and Physical Culture " Usaev U. zh. from 1030 to 1230 hours on 17.11.2022 conducted classes in the training group 1301-22 in accordance with the schedule of mutual attendance of the department in Physical Culture.
Lesson topic: complex relay races (with elements of jumping, running, throwing, rolling).
Action games. Fishermen and fish.
The teacher U. Usaev started the lesson at the right time, after explaining the topic of the lesson to the students, he did general warm-up exercises. The team voice was set, the exercises on the topic were actively performed by students. In general, during the lesson, a lot of attention was paid to movement Games, relay games were held.
The lesson was attended by senior teachers Kulseitov M. T. Zhusipova G. T. Balabev E. Sh. Senior teachers who attended the lesson expressed their thoughts, shortcomings, suggestions.
During the lesson, U. Usayev was able to fully master the students, showed that he was an experienced specialist.
Учебно-методические работы
3.1 учебно-организационная работа
Выполняемые работы
Срок исполнения
Форма завершения
Отметка об исполнении
Обсуждение и утверждение учебно-методического плана кафедры на новый учебный год.
август 2022г.
Заведующий кафедрой
Обсуждение и утверждение силлабусов учебных дисциплин, самостоятельных планов, проходящих на кафедре. Разработка карты УМК и учебно-методического обеспечения учебных дисциплин. Обсуждение и утверждение руководящих принципов контрольной работы для студентов отделения дистанционного обучения.
август 2022г.
Заведующий кафедрой, преподавательский состав
силлабус, УМК и карта учебно-методического обеспечения
Рекомендовать к изданию учебно-методическую литературу, рекомендованную преподавателями по учебным дисциплинам к изданию в новом учебном году.
Сентябрь 2022г.
Каф.заведующий, преподавательский состав
Индивидуальный индивидуальный план преподавателей
3.2 работа по повышению качества учебного процесса
Выполняемая работа
Преподаватель кафедры» начальная военная подготовка и физическая культура " Жумабаев Арман Базарбаевич 19.10.2022 г. с 1030 до 1230 часов провел открытый урок по физической культуре в учебной группе 1703-12-1.
Тема урока: Легкая атлетика. Правила соревнований.
Подвижные игры. Беги палкой.
Преподаватель А. Жумабаев начал занятия в свое время, объяснив студентам тему урока, сделал упражнения общей разминки. Студенты активно выполняли упражнения, соответствующие теме, с командным голосованием. В ходе общего занятия большое внимание уделялось подвижным играм, проводились эстафетные игры.
А. Жумабаев в ходе урока полностью освоил студентов, показал, что является опытным специалистом
Преподаватель кафедры» начальная военная подготовка и физическая культура " Батаев Дулат Алшынбаевич 11.10.2022 г. с 0930 по 1020 г. провел занятия в учебной группе 1401-12 по дисциплине строевая подготовка.
Тема урока: строевые элементы. По графику взаимной посещаемости присутствовали старшие преподаватели Кадырбаев Ж. А., Айдарбеков К. Д. и доцент Килыбаев А. А
Преподаватель Д. Батаев начал прием рапорта от дежурного студента о готовности группы к занятиям. После разъяснения темы урока была дана команда строевой тренировке. Группа обучала своих учеников стоять в одном ряду, в двух рядах, в трех рядах. Обучал приемам трех -, четырех-последовательных шагов и давать каждому студенту команды строевого упражнения. Командный придавал значение четкому и четкому звучанию голоса. В целом цели, поставленные в ходе урока, были полностью выполнены.
В конце урока, участвовавшие во взаимном занятии
Преподаватель кафедры» начальная военная подготовка и физическая культура " Усаев У. Ж. 17.11.2022 г. с 1030 до 1230 часов провел занятия в учебной группе 1301-22 согласно графику взаимной посещаемости кафедры по физической культуре.
Тема урока: комплексные эстафеты (с элементами прыжка, бега, метания, перекатывания).
Подвижные игры. Рыбаки и рыбы.
Преподаватель У. Усаев в свое время начал занятия, объяснив студентам тему урока, сделал упражнения общей разминки. Студенты активно выполняли упражнения, соответствующие теме, с командным голосованием. В ходе общего занятия большое внимание уделялось подвижным играм, проводились эстафетные игры.
В занятии приняли участие старшие преподаватели Кульсейтов М. Т. Жусипова Г. Т. Балабев Е. Ш. Присутствовавшие на занятии старшие преподаватели высказали свои мысли, недостатки, предложения.
У. Усаев за время прохождения урока полностью освоил студентов, показал, что является опытным специалистом.
Преподаватель кафедры» начальная военная подготовка и физическая культура " Катешов М. 16.02.2023 в 1240-1430 часов провел занятия в учебной группе 1703-72 в соответствии с графиком взаимной посещаемости кафедры по физической культуре.
Тема урока: игра в Баскетбол, способы положить мяч в корзину.
Преподаватель Катешов м. В свое время начал занятия, объяснив студентам тему урока, сделал упражнения на разминку всего тела. Студенты активно выполняли упражнения, соответствующие теме, с командным голосованием. В ходе общего занятия студентов обучали правилам игры в баскетбол, приемам переноски мяча и складывания его в корзину. Для интересного прохождения урока студентам были проведены эстафетные игры с использованием элементов баскетбола, разделенные на 8 групп. В основной части урока большое внимание было уделено способам забивания мяча в корзину. Сутденты были очень активны, тема урока раскрыта полностью.
Преподаватель М. Катешов в ходе проведения занятий может свободно выступать перед студентами умел ловить и осваивать группу.
В занятии приняли участие заведующий кафедрой Шегенбаев Н.Б., преподаватели Жумабаев А. Б., Колесникова Н.в. Участники урока высказали свои мысли, недостатки, предложения.
Учебно-методические работы
3.1 учебно-организационная работа
Выполняемые работы
Срок исполнения
Форма завершения
Отметка об исполнении
Обсуждение и утверждение учебно-методического плана кафедры на новый учебный год.
август 2022г.
Заведующий кафедрой
Обсуждение и утверждение силлабусов учебных дисциплин, самостоятельных планов, проходящих на кафедре. Разработка карты УМК и учебно-методического обеспечения учебных дисциплин. Обсуждение и утверждение руководящих принципов контрольной работы для студентов отделения дистанционного обучения.
август 2022г.
Заведующий кафедрой, преподавательский состав
силлабус, УМК и карта учебно-методического обеспечения
Рекомендовать к изданию учебно-методическую литературу, рекомендованную преподавателями по учебным дисциплинам к изданию в новом учебном году.
Сентябрь 2022г.
Каф.заведующий, преподавательский состав
Индивидуальный индивидуальный план преподавателей
3.2 работа по повышению качества учебного процесса
Выполняемая работа
Преподаватель кафедры» начальная военная подготовка и физическая культура " Жумабаев Арман Базарбаевич 19.10.2022 г. с 1030 до 1230 часов провел открытый урок по физической культуре в учебной группе 1703-12-1.
Тема урока: Легкая атлетика. Правила соревнований.
Подвижные игры. Беги палкой.
Преподаватель А. Жумабаев начал занятия в свое время, объяснив студентам тему урока, сделал упражнения общей разминки. Студенты активно выполняли упражнения, соответствующие теме, с командным голосованием. В ходе общего занятия большое внимание уделялось подвижным играм, проводились эстафетные игры.
А. Жумабаев в ходе урока полностью освоил студентов, показал, что является опытным специалистом
Преподаватель кафедры» начальная военная подготовка и физическая культура " Батаев Дулат Алшынбаевич 11.10.2022 г. с 0930 по 1020 г. провел занятия в учебной группе 1401-12 по дисциплине строевая подготовка.
Тема урока: строевые элементы. По графику взаимной посещаемости присутствовали старшие преподаватели Кадырбаев Ж. А., Айдарбеков К. Д. и доцент Килыбаев А. А
Преподаватель Д. Батаев начал прием рапорта от дежурного студента о готовности группы к занятиям. После разъяснения темы урока была дана команда строевой тренировке. Группа обучала своих учеников стоять в одном ряду, в двух рядах, в трех рядах. Обучал приемам трех -, четырех-последовательных шагов и давать каждому студенту команды строевого упражнения. Командный придавал значение четкому и четкому звучанию голоса. В целом цели, поставленные в ходе урока, были полностью выполнены.
В конце урока, участвовавшие во взаимном занятии
Преподаватель кафедры» начальная военная подготовка и физическая культура " Усаев У. Ж. 17.11.2022 г. с 1030 до 1230 часов провел занятия в учебной группе 1301-22 согласно графику взаимной посещаемости кафедры по физической культуре.
Тема урока: комплексные эстафеты (с элементами прыжка, бега, метания, перекатывания).
Подвижные игры. Рыбаки и рыбы.
Преподаватель У. Усаев в свое время начал занятия, объяснив студентам тему урока, сделал упражнения общей разминки. Студенты активно выполняли упражнения, соответствующие теме, с командным голосованием. В ходе общего занятия большое внимание уделялось подвижным играм, проводились эстафетные игры.
В занятии приняли участие старшие преподаватели Кульсейтов М. Т. Жусипова Г. Т. Балабев Е. Ш. Присутствовавшие на занятии старшие преподаватели высказали свои мысли, недостатки, предложения.
У. Усаев за время прохождения урока полностью освоил студентов, показал, что является опытным специалистом.
Teacher Kateshov M. At one time, he began classes, explaining the topic of the lesson to students, did exercises to warm up the whole body. Students actively performed exercises corresponding to the topic, with team voting. During the general lesson, students were taught the rules of the game of basketball, the techniques of carrying the ball and putting it in the basket. For an interesting lesson, the students were held relay games using elements of basketball, divided into 8 groups. In the main part of the lesson, much attention was paid to the ways of scoring the ball into the basket. The students were very active, the topic of the lesson was fully disclosed.
The teacher M. Kateshov, during the course of classes, can freely speak to students, was able to catch and master the group.
The lesson was attended by the head of the department Shegenbaev N.B., teachers Zhumabaev A. B., Kolesnikova N.V. The participants of the lesson expressed their thoughts, shortcomings, suggestions.
Teacher of the Department" primary military training and Physical Culture " Egemberdyev n 17.03.2023 from 0830 to 1020 in accordance with the schedule of mutual attendance of the department in Physical Culture conducted classes in the training group 1703-12-5.
Lesson topic: handball. Moving, knocking and giving, throwing, carrying and cheating movements, blocking, blocking and knocking out. Training in the basics of technical and tactical actions in attack and defense.
The teacher Egemberdyev N started the lesson at the right time, after explaining the topic of the lesson to the students, he did general warm-up exercises. The team voice was set, the exercises on the topic were actively performed by students. During the general lesson, students were taught the rules of handball, methods of catching and passing the ball. . In the main part of the lesson, a lot of attention was paid to the methods of catching and passing a handball ball. Sutdents were very active, the topic of the lesson was fully disclosed.
During the lesson, the teacher Egemberdyev N was able to behave freely in front of students and master the group.
The lesson was attended by the head of the Department Shegenbayev N. B., teachers Aidarbekov K. D., Kateshov M. D. The participants of the lesson expressed their thoughts, shortcomings, suggestions.
In accordance with the work plan of the department, a scientific and methodological seminar was held, the report of senior lecturer Aidarbekov K. Zh. "organizational work in conducting relay outdoor games" was discussed. 13.10.2023
The best use of motor skills that require highly organized tactical movement of the entire team is the maximum complexity of team games. On this side, team games are close to sports games, which represent the highest stage of development of gaming activities. That's why team outdoor games are also called simple sports games.The best use of motor skills that require highly organized tactical movement of the entire team is the maximum complexity of team games. On this side, team games are close to sports games, which represent the highest stage of development of gaming activities. That's why team outdoor games are also called simple sports games.
The preface on the above issue was given to senior lecturer Egemberdiev N.
In his speech, he described the relevance of the report, which can be considered as an important tool in educating young people in physical education classes:
-In the gaming activity of young people, two main factors are combined: the first, they join the labor force, improve physically, get used to individual actions, on the other hand, they receive moral and aesthetic satisfaction from the activity, knowledge of the surrounding themselves deepens.
The next word was passed to the senior teacher Balabaev E. Sh.
Ozan Shertaevich added his opinion to the seminar " organizational work in conducting relay outdoor games:
- The educational process should be long-term and year-round in nature; during classes, the influence of each subsequent lesson should give the impression of a more layered than the previous one, since positive changes caused by the influence of previous classes should mature in the student's body;
Sports games are a continuation of the traditional nature of human education. If we compare the place, form and content of the sports movement and the game in the life of young people with the prison condition, the type of work and the maintenance of a big man, then we can see that one of the needs of society is to teach a person skills.
PhD, senior lecturer Zhusipova G. T. sports movement games in the sports education of young people, the formation of a healthy lifestyle are in great demand. The task of a physical education lesson at a university is as follows: strengthening the health of students, ensuring the formation of physical fitness, developing their dexterity, speed, endurance, strength in teaching and teaching young people basic sports, mastering the hygienic skills necessary for conscious exercise.
The seminar of senior lecturer Aidarbekov K. Zh. "organizational work in conducting relay outdoor games" was discussed, recommendations were given.
The teacher of the department " initial military training and physical culture " Egemberdiyev Nyshanbek Amangeldievich on 13.10.2023 from 1030 to 1230 held an open lesson in the physical culture study group.
Lesson topic: athletics competitions. Running for long and short distances types of competitions..
Teacher Egemberdyev. N started classes at the right time, explaining the topic of the lesson to the students, did a full-body workout. Students actively performed exercises corresponding to the topic, with team voting. During the general lesson, they taught techniques for getting out of the Mess.
Egemberdiev N. N. during the lesson fully mastered the students, showed that he is an experienced specialist
The lesson was attended by teachers Aidarbekov K. D., Balabaev E. S. Kilibaev A. A. The participants of the lesson expressed their thoughts, shortcomings, suggestions.
The teacher of the department" initial military training and physical culture " Balabaev E. Sh. 26.10.2023 from 1440 to 1630 hours conducted classes in the study group 1502-12 in accordance with the schedule of mutual attendance of the Department of physical culture.
Lesson topic: Basketball game. Team competitions. Mobile game "Who is faster"
Teacher Balabaev E. I started classes at the right time, explaining the topic of the lesson to the students, did general warm-up exercises. Students actively performed exercises corresponding to the topic, with team voting. During the general lesson, students were taught the rules of the game of basketball, the techniques of carrying the ball and putting it in the basket. For an interesting lesson, the students were held relay games using elements of basketball, divided into 2 groups. In the main part of the lesson, much attention was paid to the ways of scoring the ball into the basket. The students were very active, the topic of the lesson was fully disclosed.
Teacher Balabaev E. during classes, students
In accordance with the work plan of the department, a meeting of the scientific and methodological seminar was held, with the participation of teaching staff, O. K. Zhumatayev's report on the topic "stages of training and formation of motor skills of volleyball players" was heard. (Protocol No. 2 dated 12.12.2023)
Habits are a system of effective actions aimed at solving similar in structure and uniform tasks. Each habitual technique provides a method of action that differs from each other in the nature of the action. At this level, the main classification features are: two hands involved in striking movements, the location of the fingers hitting the ball, the position of the player to the net, etc. the variety of methods allows you to individually consider the properties of the methods and
characterizes the movements depending on the various techniques of the execution condition, i.e.: attitude to the support, the place of the ball before the specified techniques, etc. The variants of the methods characterize the specifics of performing the usual action according to the characteristics of the resulting trajectory of the ball, the final level of classification: the direction of flight, the specifics of flight, etc.
It is very important to show a constant interest in volleyball. A coach based on the student's interest in the truth can solve many educational tasks. This is especially important when working with young volleyball players.
Balabaev E. S., the main stages of volleyball players' training? The nature of the formation of volleyball players' techniques (stages of training and improvement) is determined by the patterns of formation of motor skills. The formation of motor skills is a complex pedagogical and physiological process, it is customary to distinguish its three stages. These stages are conditional, but knowledge of these stages is necessary for future teachers in the training and upbringing of volleyball players..
The next word was taken by the head of the department N. B. Shegenbayev. In his speech, he drew attention to the following questions: "a volleyball player should know the result of his actions, what grade he received, what task he performed best, where he made a mistake, the reasons"
At the first stage of familiarization with the technique, the player is given a general idea of the technique. Next, the volleyball player will try to check the technique on his own. This will mark the beginning of the practical part of forming a new movement or set of movements.
At the second stage of studying motor activity, the volleyball player is given a number of regular tasks clarifying the nature and structure of the new motor activity. This has a positive effect on reducing the arousal process. At this stage, the differential braking process takes place.
At the first stage of familiarization with the technique, the player is given a general idea of the technique. Next, the volleyball player will try to check the technique on his own. This will mark the beginning of the practical part of forming a new movement or set of movements.
At the second stage of studying motor activity, the volleyball player is given a number of regular tasks clarifying the nature and structure of the new motor activity. This has a positive effect on reducing the arousal process. At this stage, the differential braking process takes place.
To take note of the report by O. K. Zhumataev on the topic "stages of formation and training of motor skills of volleyball players". O. K. Zhumatayev's report, read at the seminar, was discussed and recommended for publication as a methodological guide to the game of Volleyball.
The teacher of the department of "initial military training and physical culture " Kateshov M. 02/20/2024 from 1030 to 1240 hours conducted classes in the study group 1703-83 in accordance with the schedule of mutual attendance of the Department of physical culture.
Lesson topic: Gymnastics. Forms of dance exercises. Performing test and competitive dance and rhythmic programs.
The teacher M. Kateshov started classes at the time, explaining the topic of the lesson to the students, did exercises to warm up the whole body. Students actively performed exercises relevant to the topic, with team voting. During the general lesson, much attention was paid to outdoor games, relay games were held.
M. Kateshov fully mastered the students during the lesson, showed that he is an experienced specialist
The teacher of the department of "initial military training and physical culture" Kolesnikova N.V. on 02/22/2024, from 1240 to 1420, held an open lesson in the study group 5101-13 on physical culture.
Lesson topic: Gymnastics. Forms of dance exercises. Performing test and competitive dance and rhythmic programs.
Teacher Kolesnikova N.V. started classes at the right time, explained the topic of the lesson to the students, and performed general warm-up exercises. Students actively performed exercises relevant to the topic, with team voting. During the general lesson, they taught dance rhythms.
Kolesnikova N. V. during the lesson she completely mastered the students, showed that she is an experienced specialist
The lesson was attended by teachers Zhusipova G. T., Balabaev E. S. Kilibaev A. A. The participants of the lesson expressed their thoughts, shortcomings, suggestions.