Legal Department


Legal Department

Legal service

Legal service in legal activities is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995 (as amended and supplemented), the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", "On Science", "On Joint Stock Companies", "On State Property", "On Anti-Corruption”, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Labor", the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 988 of December 27, 1995 "On Approval of the State Program for the Development of Education and Science for 2020–2025", No. 1072 of November 9, 2006 "On Approval Model Regulations on Legal Services of State Bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan ", by orders of the Minister of Health of August 5, 2021" Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Educational Facilities ", No. 76" On the Approval of Sanitary Rules ", job descriptions for the quality management system, charter, internal acts of the university approved by the chairman of the board-rector of SKSPU.


Rights, duties and objectives of the legal service:

- participation in improving the quality of education at the university, observing the principles of academic honesty;

- ensuring compliance with the law in the activities of the university;

- development of regulatory documents and other draft documents of a legal nature;

- provision of methodological assistance in the legal work of the university, assistance to departments in the preparation of legal documents;

- preparation of system responses to the requirements;

- in connection with legal violations (embezzlement, shortage, etc.), proper provision of materials and assistance to judicial and investigative bodies, organization of accounting, storage of completed materials of court cases;

- participation in activities related to the strengthening of financial, contractual, labor discipline and the preservation of the property of the university;

- Carrying out information and reference work on the legislation and their systematization;

- Carrying out explanatory and legal work in the departments of the university, informing the heads of departments about changes in legislation, providing assistance to students on organizational and legal issues in accordance with current legislation, assisting in the development of acts of property and legal nature;

- preparation and verification of executed documents on the basis of legislative acts (orders, job descriptions, QMS documents, contracts, etc.);

- implementation of good faith management of the legal work of the university, assistance to departments and other public organizations in the preparation and execution of various legal documents, preparation of reasoned answers in case of rejection of requirements;

- suspension of the validity of documents that do not comply with the law, and the requirement to draw up them on the basis of legislative acts;

- ensuring the protection of the rights of the university on complaints, appeals to the investigation, judicial and other law enforcement agencies, as well as the provision of free legal assistance to teachers and staff;

- Chairman of the Board - participation in court proceedings on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the rector, participateion in the development and implementation of documents aimed at preserving the property of the university;

- study, analysis and summing up of the practice of drafting and conducting judicial, criminal, administrative and economic cases in order to eliminate the identified shortcomings and improve the economic and financial activities of the university;

- compilation in the prescribed manner of materials on the disciplinary and material responsibility of university employees;

- participation in the conclusion of business contracts, their legal expertise, the development of conditions for collective and individual labor contracts, as well as in matters related to accounts receivable and payable;

- participation in the preparation, together with other departments of the university, of proposals for changing and canceling existing and canceled orders and other regulations,

- systematic accounting and storage of modern regulatory legal acts, the introduction of a way to eliminate them, amendments and additions, the preparation of reference documents based on modern information technologies and communications;

- participation in the issuance of opinions on draft resolutions arising in the activities of the university on legal issues;

- familiarization of officials of the university with the current legislation concerning the current legislation and changes in it;

- Conducting consultations for university employees on the organization of legal discipline and issues, drawing conclusions on documents and acts of the legal nature of property, providing legal assistance;


Заң департаментінің директоры

Амирхан Мадина

Байланыс тел:  ішкі 747


Заң департаментінің заңгері  

Жаукебаев Ынтымақ Құлбекұлы

Байланыс тел: ішкі 747


Заң департаментінің заңгері  

Бекмуханбетова Жанна Жексенбековна

Байланыс тел:  ішкі 793
