Department of teaching methods for primary classes

Teaching staff

Yesnazar Assel 

Yesnazar Assel

senior lecturer

St. Nursat, 101-5




Born on April 11, 1985 in the city of Shymkent. 2001-2005. studied at the South Kazakhstan State University in the specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education"; 2007-2009. studied at the Shymkent Socio-Pedagogical University in the specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education" (master's degree); From 2018 to 2021. studied at the doctoral program of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University in the specialty 6D010200-"Pedagogy and methodology of primary education". From August 2005 to August 2006, she worked in her specialty at Murager College. From September 2006 to August 2012 she worked in the specialty at SHSPU. From September 2012 to the present, I have been working at the Department of Primary Education Methodology of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University as a senior lecturer.


Educational Institution Qualifications Study Time

South Kazakhstan State

University Primary School Teacher 2001-2005

Shymkent socio-pedagogical

university Master of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education 2007-2009

South Kazakhstan State

Pedagogical University 6D010200-Pedagogy and methods of primary education 2018-2021


Bachelor degree:

"Fundamentals of natural science", "Methods of teaching natural science", "teaching worldview according to the updated program", "physiological psychological development of students".


1) «Determination of primary school children’s speech skills in interdisciplinary communication in learning environments» // World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues. - 2020. - V. 12. - Issue 4-p. 373-388. Scopus (Hirsch index): ISSN: 1309-1506

2) Didactic approaches to the definition of the concept of "interdisciplinary communication " / / Bulletin of KazNPU im.Abaya series "pedagogical sciences". - Almaty, 2019. – №4(64). - Pp. 49-53.ISSN 1728-5496

3) Teaching primary school subjects in interdisciplinary communication / / Bulletin of the Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. Alma-Almaty, 2020. - № 2(82). - Pp. 170-179. ISSN 2306-5079

4) Interdisciplinary connections in teaching in the practice of teachers / / international scientific journal "Science and life of Kazakhstan". - Almaty, 2020. - №12/6 (152). - Pp. 60-64. ISSN 2073-333X

5) The development of speech activity through interdisciplinary communication in the Kazakh language lessons / / International scientific journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan". - Almaty, 2020. - №12/7 (153). - Pp. 192-195.

ISSN 2073-333X

6) The place of interdisciplinary communication in the updated educational program // Innovation and Global Issues congress v 2019. Ankara/Turkey,

2019. - pp. 1211-1215.

7) The essence and content of the development of thought and language of younger schoolchildren / / International scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in pedagogical education". South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University. - Shymkent, 2020. - pp. 597-601.

8) Psychological and pedagogical problems of the concepts of thinking and speech / / Qazaq bilimi Republican scientific and Methodological, pedagogical journal. 2020. - pp. 42-44.




- 05.10. -17.10.2016 The National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu", the program of advanced training of teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan 75 hours;

- 23.03-14.04.2017 "Nazarbayev Intellectual School" advanced training courses in primary school subjects 120 hours;

- 05.11-06.12.2019 Ankara, Gazi University, 144 hours;



1. Thank you for your active participation as a group leader in the X Republican Subject Olympiad of students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty 5B010200-pedagogy and methods of primary education. Thank you letter. KazNPU named after. Abaya (Almaty, 2018).

2.Thank you for the active leadership of the Republican Olympiad of undergraduates in the direction "7M01-pedagogical sciences". Thank you letter. KazNPU named after. Abaya (Almaty, 2019).




Tautayeva Guldariga Batyrshakovna

Tautayeva Guldariga Batyrshakovna

1.Full name.: Tautayeva Guldariga Batyrshakovna

2.Education: Higher Education(1994);

Scientific and academic degree: candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (2010);

Professional qualifications: primary school teacher;

Subjects taught: psychology and Human Development, personality psychology, management psychology, psychopathology.

Period of work in this institution: - since 2011

3. Academic experience: 20 years - University..

previous jobs in educational organizations:

1994-2008 - Lecturer of the Department of psychology of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H. A. Yasawi; 2008-2011 - Lecturer of the Psychology Department of the Academic Innovation University;    2011-2014 - Senior Lecturer of the Psychology Department in South Kazakhstan Pedagogical Institute.


10. Brief list of new professional developments, scientific or co-authorship: none

11. If there are any additions, you can specify the most important activities that are not listed in the list of resumes: none.

full or part-time working day: full working day

4. Non-Academic Experience: company or legal name, name, brief description of the situation (full-time, overtime work) - no.

5. Certificates of professional development with an indication of the term or professional registration:

1." Electronic Government and provision of services " – seminar. JSC " National Information Technologies " certificate EG 11 – 05 083 4 10.2011

2. Independent Kazakhstan Agency to ensure quality of education. Certificate No. 0283 dated 10.10.2014 in Astana

6. Membership in professional institutions: none

7. Rewards: none

8. Experience in service institutions (inside, outside the institution) - absent

9. The most important publications and presentations of the last five years - the title, co-authors (if any), where they were published and / or presented, date of publication or presentation:

1.Problems of using information communication technologies taking into account the age characteristics of Primary School students. Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050" – the basis of the concept of formation of professional training of teachers in higher educational institutions"", SKSPI, Shymkent, 2014."

2.Some issues of the educational process in special educational institutions. Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050"– the basis of the concept of formation of professional training of teachers in higher educational institutions"", SKSPI, Shymkent, 2014."

3 Some ways to develop students' cognitive interests in special educational institutions. Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050" – the basis of the concept of formation of professional training of teachers in higher educational institutions", SKSPI, Shymkent, 2014."

4 Effectiveness of the usage of copywriting technology in the formation of learning skills of children with disabilities. Strategy "Kazakhstan - 2050"– the basis of the concept of formation of professional training of teachers in higher educational institutions"", SKSPI, Shymkent, 2014."


Ontuganova Shynar Sheralievna

                                                                                                  PhD, Senior lecturer

Born on March 9, 1988 in the city of Kentau, South Kazakhstan region. 2006-2010 studied at the Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A.. Yasavi majored in Finance; 2010-2012 studied at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University majoring in Mathematics; 2013-2015 studied at the Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasavi majoring in Mathematics (Master's degree); from 2018 to 2021. She studied at the doctoral program of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, specialty 6D010200 - "Pedagogy and methods of primary education". She started her career in 2012-2018 at secondary school No. 12 named after B. Momyshuly. 2018-2020 worked as a mathematics teacher at the Lyceum of school No. 23 named after Z. Kosmodemyanskaya. 2020-2023 resumed the work of a mathematics teacher at secondary school No. 12 named after B. Momyshuly. Since 2023, she has been employed at the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, the Department of "Methods of Primary Education", where she works as a senior teacher. Total work experience of 11 years, teaching experience of 11 years
Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasavi Bachelor's degree in Finance, 2006-2010 ;
M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, mathematics teacher 2010-2012;
Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasavi "Master of Natural Sciences" 2013-2015;
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University doctoral degree in the specialty 6D010200-"Pedagogy and methods of primary education" 2018-2021..
1) «Determining logical teaching methods and techniques for primary schoolchildren’s thought and language development » // Cypriot Journal of Education Science . – 2022. – Vol. 17, Issue 47. P.1051–1065. – 33 %.  ISSN 1305-905Х
2) «The impact of integrated technology on students' logical thought in mathematics: A case study of Kazakhstan» // Journal of Education and e-Learning Research Vol. 10, No. 2, 323-335, 2023 ISSN(E) 2410-9991 / ISSN(P) 2518-0169 DOI: 10.20448/jeelr.v10i2.4622
3) «Оқушылардың логикалық ойлау дағдыларын қалыптастыру және тапсырмалардың маңыздылығына талдау» // Қазақстанның Педагогикалық Ғылымдар Академиясының Хабаршысы. – Алматы, 2020. - №6(98), - Б.75-87. ISSN 2070-4046
4) «Оқушылардың логикалық ұғымын қалыптастырудың амал-тәсілдері» // Торайғыров университетінің Хабаршысы. – «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы – Павлодар, 2020. - №3. - Б.388-397. ISSN 1811-1831
5) «Диалогтық оқыту арқылы бастауыш сынып оқушыларының  тіл меңгерту және  ойлау дағдыларын дамыту» // «Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі» халықаралық ғылыми журналы. - «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы - Алматы, 2020. - №12/7 (153). – Б. 378-383.
ISSN 2073-333X
6) «Бастауыш сынып оқушыларының логикалық  ойлау дағдыларын қалыптастыру» // Қазақ ұлттық қыздар педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршысы. – Алматы, 2021. – №2(86). – Б.31-41. ISSN 2306-5079. ISSN 2073-333X
7) «Teaching students to think using logical approaches» // Şanlıurfa’da düzenlenen 4. Uluslararası GAP Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi. İksad Publications - 2019©. - P. 16-20.
ISBN – 978-605-69877-5-5

Yerkekul Zhansaya Moldabekovna

Yerkekul Zhansaya Moldabekovna G. Ilyaev, 14 8-7475137270 BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Born on March 19, 1996 in the village of A. Kalybekov, Zhetysai, Maktaaral District, South Kazakhstan region. 2013-2017 graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University with a bachelor's degree in 5b010300 – "Pedagogy and Psychology". 2017 graduated from this university with a master's degree in the specialty 6m010200 – "Pedagogical skills". I started career in 2018 as a self-knowledge teacher at the S. Baizhanov Gymnasium school No. 162 in Almaty. Since 2021, I have been working as a teacher of the Department "Methods of primary education" of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University. Teaching experience -. EDUCATION Educational institution Qualification Graduation date Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University Bachelor of education in the specialty 5B010200 - "Pedagogy and Psychology" 2013-2017 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 6M010200 - "Pedagogical dimension" 2017-2019 SUBJECTS TAUGHT In The Bachelor's degree: pedagogical psychological diagnostics of primary school age. Pedagogical skills. Scientific methodological and academic letter. In the master's Program: Scientific methodological and academic letter. In the doctoral program: SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY Research topic: technology for assessing students ' functional literacy. Publications: 1.Theoretical foundations of the formation of functional literacy of students. Science and life of Kazakhstan international scientific journal. No. 4 (81) 2019. Astana, 2019. op 100-105. (The journal is included in the list of publications on jurisprudence, philology, pedagogy, philosophy, and art history recommended by the committee for control in the field of Education and science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan). 2.Organization of the educational process aimed at the formation of functional literacy of students. "YOUTH AND SCIENCE: PRESENT AND FUTURE". 72-Republican scientific and Practical Conference of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists. April 9-10, 2019. Pp. 258-259.



Bayimbetova Zhuzimkul Arzymbetovna.

Bayimbetova Zhuzimkul Arzymbetovna.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

m/n Nursat,87011843382


Autobiography Bayimbetova Zhuzimkul Arzymbetovna. was born in 1955 in the village of Anger-Ata, Tolebisky district, Turkestan region. In 1971 I graduated from the secondary school named after Abay in the Tolebi district with a medal. From 1971 to 1973 I was elected as a deputy to the Tolebi regional council.

In 1973-1974 I studied at the preparatory department of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute, in 1974-1978 I studied at the Faculty of Philology of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute with a Lenin scholarship, and in 1978 I graduated with honors. I studied full-time at the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute and successfully completed two-year evening courses of foreign languages.

In 1978–1980 I worked at the Akbastau school in Tolebisky district of South Kazakhstan region. In 1980–1990 I worked as a teacher of the Kazakh language and Kazakh literature in secondary school № 37 in Shymkent and as a deputy director for teaching and educational work at school.

In 1984 I was awarded the "Honorary Diploma" of the Ministry of Education of the Kazakh SSR, in 1985 by order of the Ministry of Education of the Kazakh SSR №151 I was awarded the title "Teacher-Methodologist".

From 1990 to 1996 I worked as a teacher, senior teacher, associate professor of the Kazakh language department of the Shymkent State Pedagogical Institute.

In 1994 I defended the thesis on the specialty "10.02.06 - Turkic languages" on the subject "Grammatical description of verbs in 10 languid Kazakh dictionary" at the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan was headed by Dr. Ph.D., prof. A. Khasenova-Kalybayeva.

In 2002 I was awarded the title of associate professor in the specialty "10.02.02 - Linguistics". In 1996-1999 I worked as an assistant professor in the department of Kazakh linguistics, in SKSU after M. Auezov. In 2002 my biography and titles of my scientific works were published into the encyclopedia "Kazygurt" (p. 33), the publication "Toganai T", Alma-Ata.

Since September 2011 I have been working as an associate professor at the department of the Kazakh language and Kazakh literature, methods of teaching primary education in SKSPU.

I have a certificate of accreditation from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Astana, April 2013. In accordance with Article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on science.

In 2015 I was awarded the Thunder from NurOtan party of the South Kazakhstan region. In 2017 I was awarded the medal "80 years of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute".

In 2018 my patent was received by the Patent. The certificate on the inclusion of data in the State Register of Copyright (hereinafter - the Patent) with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Copyright ("Patent") of November 2, 2018 registered intellectual property in the textbook "Modern Kazakh Language" (teaching manual). This textbook is included in the educational process of universities.

My scientific works have been published abroad in Russia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, etc. I have more than 135 scientific papers and articles, including 31 textbooks, which entered into the educational process of higher educational institutions.

I was awarded a set of certificates for many years of work. Under my scientific leadership, the students were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the best in the republican contests "The Best Scientific Work" held by the university of the RK. 6 master's theses were defended under my guidance.



Educational institution Qualification End date

Shymkent Pedagogical

Institute Specialty "Kazakh language and literature" 1974 - 1978

Institute of Linguistics of the

Academy of Sciences of the

Republic of Kazakhstan Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor "10.02.06 - Turkic language" Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 19.03.1994.


Academic degree


Name of the academic


Field of science Date of issue of the diploma

Candidate of Philological


"10.02.06 - Turkic language" Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan 19.03.1994 Alma – Ata, № 0001071


Academic titles

Name of the academic title Field of science Date of issue of the diploma


Docent(Associate Professor) «10.02.02 – linguistics» ВAC 2002.17.04., (No. 4 ).DCNo. 0004778, Alma -Ata.



Prepodaemi disciplines



Master's Degree:

Doctoral studies:


scientific activity


Subject research: Grammar of the Kazakh language, the method of teaching the Kazakh language in primary classes


Published 135 scientific papers. 31 of them Tutorials. All works are included in the educational process of higher educational institutions About published articles, «Звуковые характеристики глогола» Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Проблемы формирования квалифицированного персонала с помощью инновационных технологий». Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции "Инновационные технологии в науке и образовании", т. 1, 41-46, Ш., 2011, Шымкент-Москва, 2010, 330-335., «Мәнсіз көмекші етістіктер» «Ғылым мен білімдегі инновациялық технологиялар» Материалы международной научно-практической конференции., 1 ч., 41-46., Ш., 2011. «Сөз, сөздің негізі, сөздің түбірі» Материалы международной научно-практической конференции, 1-том, Шымкент-Мәскеу.,2012, 96-101., «Қазіргі қазақ тіліндегі түбір етістіктердің кейбір мәселелері», «Көп тілді білім беру негізінде бәсекеге қабілетті

тұлғаны қалыптастыру» Материалы республиканской научно-практической конференции., Ш., 2012.48 -55 бетт., «Қазақ тіліндегі түбір сөздердің мәселелері». Посвящен 80-летию Южно-Казахстанской области.«Білім сапасы – білім беру тәжірибесінің үдерістерінің және нәтижелерінің құрамды бөлігі» Материалы международной научно- методич. конференции, 05-06 декабрь, 2012, 1 том, 181-185, «Қазіргі қазақ тіліндегі көмекші етістіктердің тарихи негіздері». Журнал»Білім берудегі менеджмент» Хабаршысы.№2. 2013., «М.Қашқаридың «Сөздігі» қазақ тілі грамматикасының негіздер». «Байтанаев оқулары»-1: Халықаралық білім беру кеңістігіне қазіргі кезеңдегі педагог мамандарды даярлау үрдісін интеграциялау мәселелері» Материалы международной научно- методич. конференции, 1 ч, Шымкент-2013., 116-123 ., «Шылаулардың зерттелуі» «Байтанаев оқулары»-1: Халықаралық білім беру кеңістігіне қазіргі кезеңдегі педагог мамандарды даярлау үрдісін интеграциялау мәселелері» Материалы международной научно- методич. конференции . 2 ч, Шымкент-2013., 61-67 ., «Ғалымдардың ұстазы» «Орда kz» газет., 24 май, №09(82),2013. Республиканская неделя общественной информации, стр.3-4, «Бекасыл Биболатұлының «Жұлдызнама» атты еңбегіне пікір». «Қазақтану» Международн. журнал, № 1 (26), 2013ж., 65-бет., «Т.Әбдіктің көркемдік әлемі» «Ұстаз – ұлттың тірегі»Мат.науч.практ. конференц.,Шымкент -2013. 236-240., «Күрделі сөздердің өзекті мәселелері» «Білім жүйесіндегі инновациялық және ақпараттық технологияның дамуы - мамандар дайындаудың негізгі бағыттары» Мат.международ. научно мет. конференц., Шымкент 2014. 95-99 беттер., «Күрделі сөздердің сөзжасамы» «Бәсекеге қабілетті қоғам тірегі-ұстаз: «Мәңгілік ел»-ұрпақтың мәңгілік болашағы» Мат.респуб.научно-прак. конференц., 11 бөлім. Шымкент-2014, 69-67., «Ауыз әдебиетінің грамматикалық ерекшелігі» Материалы Международной практической конференции, посвященной 115-летию К.И.Сатпаева, 248-254 беттер. Шымкент-2014., «Мектепке дейінгі ұйымдардың оқу сабақтарында жаңа технологияларды пайдалану»Журнал «Педагог құзіреттілігі»,№6.,ОҚМПИ, Шымкент-2014., «Қазақ тілі сабағында жаңа педагогикалық технологияларды пайдалану» «Байтанаев оқулары»-2: Халықаралық білім беру кеңістігіне қазіргі кезеңдегі педагог мамандарды даярлау үрдісін интеграциялау мәселелері» » Мат.международ. научно мет. конференции. Шымкент-2014, «Көмекші есімдердің кейбір мәселелері»Журнал «Педагог құзіреттілігі»,№5.,ОҚМПИ, стр.234-239. Шымкент-2014, «Болашақ бастауыш сынып мұғалімдеріне инклюзивті білім берудің теориялық және әдістемелік негіздері», РИНЦ.Proceedings of the 111 Inter nasional Scientific and Praktikal Conference «Scientific Issues of the Moder nity» (April 27,2017, Dubai, UAE), РИНЦ «Полилингвальный подход к обучению материала по култ. речи на заниятиях элективного курса»,Сбор.статей Международная научно-практическая конф. РФ.г.Казань. Стерлитамак. 6.10.2017 г., «Жоғары сынып оқушыларына кәсіби бағдар берудің психологиялық – педагогикалық аспектілері» ЖАК. Журнал «Наука и жизнь Казахстана. Қазақстанның ғылымы мен өмірі» (Международный научно-популярный журнал.ISSN 2073-333Х. № 6 (50) 2017. Педагог-ика. PEDAGOGY. 170-173 беттер. Астана - 2017., «Қазақ жазуының тарихы» Министерство образования и науки Республики Таджикстан. Журнал института Таджикского педагогического института «Институт хабаршысы», с.88-93. Г. Пенджикент. 2018., «Интерактивное технологии обучения по формированию креативности студентов» РИНЦ 1V Міжнародна наукова-практична конференція.95-ій річниці від дня заснування Сумського державного пед-агогічного університету іміні А. С.Макаренка присвячу-эться «Особистість у кризових умовах та критичних ситуаціях життя.22-23 лютого 2018 р материали конференціі.Украйна-Суми-2018.323-325. and etc.

Professional development


1. Certificate No. 01749. She graduated from advanced training courses in the specialty of the Kazakh language and literature. International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A.Yassawi. Institute of Continuing Education.30.12.1916

2. Certificate No. 16326 - 03. "Problems of application of active methodology in higher education". Research Center for Educational and Information Technologies. Alma-Ata. 72 hours.., 26.03.2016

3. Certificate. "Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content of education." (260 hours). Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu". Alma-Ata, 17.05.2019 №0320649.

4.Certificate ID 00000137. Kazirgi zamangy kazak tili negizderi pani boyynsha bilimdi zhetildirudin online course ayaktady. Damutek. Astana. 03.04.2020

5. Certificate ID 00004/2021. Damutek. Damutek platformasynda 72 sagattyk biliktilikti arttyru bagdarlamasy boyynsha zhappai ashyk online kursyn(ZHAOK) azirledi. Astana . 09.05.2021

6. Certificate of accreditation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Astana, April 2013. In accordance with article 23 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Science, it is accredited.



1. Approval No. 90.1971-1973 it was removed from the Tulebisky District Council. South.Kaz.region.1971 G. Lenger. 1984, he was awarded the "Honorary Diploma" of the Ministry of education of the Kazakh SSR.G. Alma-Ata.One thousand nine hundred eighty four

3.1985 by order of the Ministry of education of the Kazakh SSR No. 151, the name "teacher-Methodist"was issued. G. Alma-Ata.One thousand nine hundred eighty five

4.Life and career of the scientist in 2002 entered the Kazygurt encyclopedia (STR. 33), "Toganay t", G. Alma-Ata. Two thousand two

5.the Thunder "Algys""Nur Otan" was awarded to the South Kazakhstan region. "No," I said. Two thousand fifteen

6.awarded the Medal "80 years of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute". "No," I said. Two thousand fifteen

7.accreditation of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Astana, April 2013. In accordance with Article 23 of the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is accredited in Astana. 2013.

8.2018 on the inclusion of these in the State Register of author's rights (further - patent) with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on author's rights ("patent") from November 2, 2018, intellectual property in the textbook "modern Kazakh language" (UCH."I don't know," he said. G. Astana. 2018.this textbook is included in the university learning process.

9.awarded the "letter of thanks". "For significant contribution to the quality of education and conscious education of students". "I don't know," he said. "I'm sorry," I said. Almaty region. Two thousand seventeen

10.awarded the "letter of thanks". "For significant work in the training of a professional" Ms . "No," I Said. Almaty region. Two thousand seventeen

11.awarded the "letter of thanks". "For significant work in the training of a professional".School-gymnasium named after 65 Y. Altynsarina. "No," I said. Two thousand seventeen

12.Awarded"Diploma".For achievements at the international scientific and practical conference " G.Sterlitmak. Russia. 06.10.2017.

13.awarded" diploma ""for achievements in the 111th international scientific and practical conference". Dubai.27.04.2017.

14 awarded"letter of thanks". "For significant contribution to the quality of education and conscious education of students" school – Lyceum No. 77imena A. askarova. "No," she said. Two thousand nineteen

15. Diploma "winner 1,2 place international internet Olympiad "sunny light", June 15, 2019 International pedagogical portal"sunny light".

16.awarded the "letter of thanks". School – Lyceum No. 77imena A. askarova "for her contribution to the education of the best students on the way to education". "No," she said. Two thousand twenty one17. in 2021.

New accordion content

Tileuova Saulesh Sabyrbekkyzy

Tileuova Saulesh Sabyrbekkyzy

Assistant professor

Сandidate of pedagogical sciences

Academician of International informatization academy

Korkem str. 37



Brief biography

Was born in 15 july 1955 in the Zaisan city, East-Kazakhstan region. In 1962 entered to the school named by M. Auezov. In 1972 finished that school. In 1972 started to work as a pioneer leader in Komirshi school, Narynkol village, Almaty region.

During 1973 – 1977 studied in the Kazakh State Women Pedagogical institute on a faculty of physic and mathematic and graduated with red diploma.

In 1995 got candidate degree in pedagogical science and in 1997 got Assosiate professor in pedagogics.

In 1977 – 2018 worked in educational sphere, VET school № 19 of Shymkent, Kazakh chemistry-technology institute, from 1991 as a teacher, senior teacher, associate professor, professor, head of department, secretary of Science council, head of monitoring department in universities. From 2017 associate professor of pedagogical department.

Excellent of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, winner of medal named by Altynsarin, winner of the state grant “Best teacher of university” 2008, full member of International Informatization academy.



Organization Specialty Dates

Kazkah state women

pedagogical institute, Almaty Teacher of physics 1973-1977

Institute of education

problems named by

Altynsarin Candidate of pedagogical theory and history, ethnopedagogical science 1995

High attestation commission

of the Republic of Kazakhstan Associate professor of pedagogical theoryand history, ethnopedagogical science 1997



Title of degree Sphere of science Date

Candidate of pedagogical

science Pedagogical theory and history, ethnopedagogical 1995



Name Date

Associate professor in pedagogy 02/1997






1. Methods of distance learning of primary school subjects

2. Innovative technology and methods of distance learning

3. Innovative teaching technologies

4. Theory and methods of teaching the introduction of science to primary school students 5. Methods of scientific and pedagogical research



1. Topical issues of science and primary education

2. International system for assessing the quality of primary education


PhD: ----



Title of reseach: Problems of formation of value orientation in future teachers, the use of digital educational resources in the pedagogical process


1. Use of digital educational resources in high school. Karazhigitova KN 80s arn. International scientific-practical conference "The image of the teacher - the status of the nation." Collection of articles Part II pp. 106-110.

2. Professional values of primary school teachers. School of Kazakhstan ”magazine Almaty, November 2019

3. Kazakh personal names with semantic content "longevity" / KAZAKH PERSONAL NAMES WITH A SEV-ERAL CONTENT "LONGEVITY". Electronic scientific-methodical journal of the Russian Federation ISSN 2312-8089

4. Professional values of primary school teachers. Kazakhstan school magazine December 2019

5. "Value system in the field of informatization" (article) Republican scientific-pedagogical center "Education-Education-Edication" Scientific journal "Pedagogy BULLETIN" ● scientific journal №№3 (03), November, 2020 pp. 150-153.

6. Republican scientific-pedagogical center "Education-Education-Edication" Scientific journal "Pedagogy BULLETIN" ● scientific journal №№3 (03), November, 2020 pp. 150-153. Republican scientific-pedagogical center "Education-Education-Edication" Scientific journal "Pedagogy BULLETIN" ● scientific journal №№3 (03), November, 2020 pp. 150-153.

7. Proceedings of the international scientific-practical online conference "Some features of the use of innovative technologies in the educational process" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence and the 310th anniversary of Abylai Khan "Independence and historical figure" SKSPU, 2021.





1. "100 directions for a young teacher". Textbook - Astana: Folio; 2016 23 p., Ayashev O., Tleuova S., Kadirbaeva R.

2. "Pedagogy", "Ethnopedagogy". "History of Pedagogy", "High School Pedagogy", etc. Many textbooks and teaching aids and four e-textbooks with a special certificate were used in the educational process.




2. Digital technologies in the educational process 72 hours 16.09.2019-27.09.-2019 Sofia, Bulgaria 72-hour ONLINE COURSE, CERTIFICATE №22960



1997 "Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", winner of the Y. Altynsarin Medal, 2008 "The best teacher of the university", "Medal for Merit to the region" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan region, "Letter of thanks from the South

Kazakhstan branch of the Nur Otan party", several letters of thanks and diplomas from the rector of the University. 2012 "South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University 80 years of the Institute was awarded the jubilee badge "November 2019", the republican competition received the badge "Best Teacher" of the Academy of Sciences

Аkynova Lyazzatkul

Was born on 8.12.1970. In 1988 she graduated from the Roslavl Secondary School of the Zhambyl district of the Almaty region, in 1988-1993 she studied at the Almaty State Pedagogical University named after Abai, majoring in chemistry and biology. She started her career in 1994 as a laboratory assistant at the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute, since 2003 she has taught at the International Kazakh-Turkish University. In 2009, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences on the topic "Bioindication by plants of polluted territories with oil and petroleum products" at the Scientific Council of the Research Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the State University of RSE "Center for Biological Research" in Almaty in the direction of "ecology".

Since 2012, I have been a senior lecturer at the Department of "Methods of Primary Education" of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University.

Awarded the badge "Kazakstannyn kurmetti ustazy" in 2019,

In 2020, she was awarded the medal "80 years of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University".

Married. I have five children.


Uristenbekova Gulbanu Kauasovna

Uristenbekova Gulbanu Kauasovna


She was born on April 11, 1971 in the village of Kantemirovka, Zhualy district, Zhambyl region. In 1989-1994 she studied at the Zhambyl Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Kazakh language and literature.

Since February 1997 she worked as a teacher, senior teacher of the department "Kazakh language and literature" of Zhambyl University, since 1998 - Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati.

Since September 2005 she worked as a teacher, senior teacher of the department "Kazakh language and literature" KSTIU named after. Sh. Yessenova, since 2009 - associate professor of the university.

In 2007 she defended her dissertation at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University on the topic "Methodology for developing Kazakh language teaching to students of ecology departments of universities (for continuing groups of Russian departments 13.00.02 - theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (Kazakh language in the system of primary, secondary and higher education) "

Since 2021, he has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Primary Education Methods of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University.

Teaching experience - 30 years.



Educational Institution Qualifications Квалификация Date of completion

Zhambyl Pedagogical Institute Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature 1989-1994



Title of the academic degree Field of science Duration of the diploma

Candidate of Pedagogical


13.00.02 - theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (Kazakh language in the system of primary, secondary and higher education 23.10.2007, protocol No. 8 FK series # 0000930





Bachelor's degree: "Kazakh language", "Children's literature", "Methods of teaching literacy and writing."

Master's program: "Topical issues of teaching languages in primary school."

In doctoral studies:



Research topic: "Methodology of developing Kazakh language teaching of students of environmental departments of universities (for continuing groups of Russian departments of the language of students of the Faculty of Ecology of the University (for advanced groups of the Russian Faculty)".


1. Genres of performance on Kazakhstani TV channels and their peculiarities. (Together with B. Rustembekova) "MODERN SCIENTIFIC POTENTIAL-2016" 13 volume. Science and Education LLC, Sheffeld, 2016, pp. 34–38.

2. Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference "Methodology of environmental education of schoolchildren in the Kazakh language" Kalniyaz Zhyrau Shopykuly and his

literary heritage. Aktau, 2016.S. 245-249.

3. The role of certification and assessment in teaching in the Kazakh language lessons. Higher school of Kazakhstan. Higher education Kazakhstan. 3 (1) 2017, International scientific and pedagogical publication. ISSN 1560-1749, p. 27-31.



1. Sarsenova S.E. Uristenbekova G.K., Kazakh language. Supporting textbook for level B1. Aktau, 2015–99 p. ISBN 978-601-308-016-1.

2.Uristenbekova G.K., Sarsenova S.E. Kazakh language. For level B1 (part 2) Study guide. Aktau, 2016–97 p. ISBN 978-601-308-028-4.



1. "Turkic languages in the context of intercultural communication." Bashkir State University, Sterlitamak. 10.07-27.07.2017, 108 hours.


Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a significant contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016


Nurseitova Lazzat Omashovna

Nurseitova Lazzat Omashovna

Senior lecturer


st. Ilyaeva, 14




She was born on September 15, 1971 in the village of Kogam, Otyrar district, South Kazakhstan region. 1989-1993 studied in the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" at the Pedagogical Institute named after M. Auezov at the International Kazakh-Turkish University. In 2014 she graduated from the magistracy at the Regional Social and Innovative University in the specialty 6M010300 - "Pedagogy and Psychology". She began her career in 1994 at the Department of General Pedagogy of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezova as a teacher. Since 2011 he has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Primary Education Methods of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University. Teaching experience - 23 years.


Organization of education Qualification expiration date

Pedagogical Institute named

after M. Auezova at the

International Kazakh-Turkish

University Pedagogy and methodology of primary education 1989-1993

Regional Social and

Innovative University

6М010300 - Master of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology 2012-2014



Ғылыми дәреже атауы Ғылым саласы Диплом берілген күні

Master of Science in


Pedagogy, primary education 01.07.2014. Order No. 069 ZHOOK-M No. 0054899



Ғылыми атақ атауы Берілу күні




Undergraduate: Pedagogical excellence, Pedagogy and methods of educational work

Master's degree:

Doctoral studies:



Research topic: Self-improvement and improvement of professional qualifications


1. The population status of Lagochilus setulosus Vved. and its biochemical composition. Ecological Questions 32(2021)2

(скопус). Arystanbek Eshibaev1, Zhanar Aimenova2,*, Lyazzat Akynova3, Lyazzat Nurseitova3, Aizhan Kopabaeva3.

2. Бастауыш сыныптарда бірлескен оқу тәсілдерін қолдану//Международный научный журнал «Наука и жизнь Казахстана».- № 12/7 (153). - Алматы, 2020.

3. Оқу- тәрбие жүйесінде оқушылардың білімін бағалаудың ерекшеліктері.// Научный журнал «Интернаука» №9 (185) ISSN:2687-0142.Москва, 2021. (Март).

4. Исторические аспекты развития педагогической психологии// Международный журнал

гуманитарных и естественных наук. -№ 2-1 (41). - 2020.





1. Updated curriculum of educational content. "NIS" DBBҰ Center for Pedagogical Excellence. 238 hours 18.04.2016.-06.05.2016. Astana city


2. Training of trainers under the program of additional education for graduates of pedagogical universities, developed on the basis of a multi-level training program for teachers of the Republic

of Kazakhstan. - NIS DBBҰ Center for Pedagogical Excellence. 232 hours 03.03.2017. Certificate No.000038


3. "Entrepreneurship Fundamentals Course". RK "Atameken". 80 hours 12.10.2019. Nur-Sultan city. Certificate No. 000353


1. Medal "South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute - 80 years" 09/30/2020

Akhatayeva Ulsana Borashovna

Date of birth:24.05.1991y.PaulFemaleMobile phone8 702-628-02-41Е


a citizen of the RK


City Shymkent, mic Turan, 979/11-15

Basic education:

2008-2012y. South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov (bachelor);

2012-2014y. South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov (master);

2017-2020y. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (doctorate);

Specialty: Pedagogy and methodology of primary education


2014-2017y. South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute,

01.09.2020y. South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University


Academic degree / academic title:

Senior lecturer, master of pedagogical Sciences

Language proficiency:

Kazakh, Russian

Work skills:

MS OFFICE, MS Word, MS Excel

Ownership of software works

Windows, Power Point, Internet

Advanced training:





- 05.10.-17.10.2015y. Almaty, branch of JSC" NCPC "Orleu". 240 h;

-  14.03-26.03.2016y. Research Center for Innovative Educational and Information Technologies, 72 h;

- 10.09-28.09.2018г. Ankara, Ankara University, 108 h;

- 05.11-06.12.2019ж. Ankara, Gazi University, 144 h;


Doskarayeva Gaukhar Mukhtarovna

Doskarayeva Gaukhar Mukhtarovna

master teacher

G.Ilyayev street, 14




He was born on August 20, 1988 in the city of Almaty. 2006-2010 He graduated with honors from the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after A. Yassaui with a bachelor's degree in 5B010200 - "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education." 2010-2012 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai graduated with a master's degree in 6M010200 - "Pedagogy and Psychology". He began his career in 2012 as a lecturer at the Department of Psychology, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute. Since 2021 he has been working as a master lecturer at the Department of "Methods of Primary Education", South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University. Teaching experience - 8 years.



Educational institution Qualification Completion date

International Kazakh-Turkish

University named after A.

Yassaui Bachelor of Education in 5B010200 - "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education" 2006-2010

Kazakh National Pedagogical

University named after Abai Master's degree in 6M010300 - "Pedagogy and Psychology" 2010-2012

Mirzakulova Aygerim Turebekova

           I Mirzakulova Aygerim Turebekova was born 19 January 1990 in the city of Shymkent in South Kazakhstan region. In 1996 I went to the first grade to secondary school № 59, in 2007 to school № 65.She graduated from high school. Students with a diploma with honors. UNT scored 109 points M. in 2008 she entered the South Kazakhstan state University.Auezov was transferred to the faculty of "Economics" and transferred to the international Kazakh-Turkish University majoring in 5b011100-Informatics. In 2012, she graduated with honors from the academic bachelor's degree in 5b011100-computer Science. In 2012 she got a job in the presidential office Of the international Kazakh-Turkish University of Turkestan, where since September the medical faculty was opened and transferred to the medical Dean's office as a Manager. Since October 2012 she entered the South Kazakhstan state pedagogical University as a clerk in the center of spirituality "ASYL-Mura". In 2013, he was Vice-rector for research, in 2015-Secretary of the Vice-rector for academic Affairs. In 2017, she received an academic degree of master of pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 6M010300-Pedagogy and psychology at the regional socio-innovative University. In 2016, he was transferred to the position of Methodist of the practice Department. Since September 2018, she worked as a senior teacher of the Department "methodology of primary education" of the pedagogical-humanitarian faculty. The family has six genres. Father Mirzakulov Torebek was born in 1959 in South Kazakhstan region. Mother rose Altynbekovna was born in 1964 in South-Kazakhstan region. Bauyrym of Trabecula Aibek was born in 1995. He graduated from the Kazakh Academy of sports. Specialty-coach. In the sports complex" BIIK " works as a coach of the football team Kyran. Bayram Andasol ayzat Turebekova was born in 1997-married.Specialty-Teacher. Acting Head of the Department of HCS, Passenger Transport And highways C. Aselov the owner of the state educational grant 2 courses of the specialty 5B010800-Physical culture and sports University. Auezov., Master of sports of RK . I'm unmarried. In 2015, the decision of the maslikhat of South Kazakhstan region was awarded a huge award "for conscientious work and active participation in society", a diploma for excellent work in the field of education and social protection in 2017, and in 2018 passed a course for special teachers-trainers of the Nazarbayev center, perfectly mastered the updated program.

Kuanyshbaeva Zaure

Kuanyshbaeva Zaure

Senior Lecturer

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences




Kuanyshbaeva Zaure Bekenovna was born on 12.12.1969 in the village of Angirata, Tolebiysky district, South Kazakhstan region. From 1986 to 1991, she was a student of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute named after M. Auezov, specializing in Pedagogy and methods of primary education.

He started his career in 1992-1998 as a kindergarten teacher No. 112 of the National Bank of Shymkent. In 2000-2004, she worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University. From 2004 to 2010, she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the International University of Humanities and Technology.

Since 2010, she has worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Humanities of the M. Saparbayev South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute.

From 2012 to 2021, she worked as a candidate of Sciences at the Department of "Preschool Education and Primary Education" at the FAO "National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu" Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers in the Turkestan region and Shymkent.

In 2009, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 13.00.01-general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy at the M. Auezov SKSU on the topic “Pedagogical conditions for organizing extracurricular work to educate the culture of behavior of younger schoolchildren”.

Since 2021, he has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of "Methods of Primary Education" of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University.

Teaching experience - 27 years.


Educational institution Qualification End date

Shymkent Pedagogical

Institute named after M.

Auezov Specialty Pedagogy and methods of primary education 1986-1991zh.




Name of the academic degree Field of science Date of issue of the diploma

Candidate of Pedagogical


13.00.01-General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy 23.12.2009zh. Order №10- FK №0003910




Bachelor 's degree: "Theory and methodology of teaching primary school students", "Scientific research and academic writing", "Artistic work"

Magistracy: «Scientific research and academic writing", "Methods of mathematical processing in pedagogical research».



Research topic "Pedagogical conditions for the organization of extracurricular work on the education of the culture of behavior of younger schoolchildren ”


1. Methods of differentiated learning. "International Scientific and Practical Conference "Integration of science and education: problems and prospects". Institute of Advanced Training of teachers in Atyrau region branch of JSC "National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu" . June 10, 2020.

2. The importance of innovative technologies in the education system. Republican scientific and methodological journal "Pedagogical mastery" No. 1 (October) 2020.

3. The importance of effective use of educational resources in the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren. "International scientific and practical conference "Modernization of educational resources: experience and prospects". Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Textbook " of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2019 october 18-19.

4. Effective lesson organization and active lesson planning process. Science and life of Kazakhstan. International Scientific Journal. No. 4/2, 2020.



Formation of a culture of behavior of younger schoolchildren through extracurricular activities. Methodological recommendations. Kuanyshbayeva Z. B., Kydyrbaeva G. K.-Shymkent: «Institute of Advanced Training of Teachers in Atyrau region branch of JSC "National Center for Advanced Training «Orleu» and the school "Zhanazhol" - 68 art. 2020.



1. Training course "Social adaptation and professional labor rehabilitation of adolescents based on the M. Montessori methodology" according to the program of advanced training of pedagogical personnel of the Republic of Kazakhstan (72 hours) certificate No. 160640004283.

2. Certificate of the course according to the training program of trainers on the topic "Development of professional competence of teachers in the conditions of transition of the Kazakh alphabet to Latin graphics" (2018)

3. Сертификат для тренеров на тему «Особенности системы критериального оценивания и образовательных программ в рамках обновления содержания среднего образования Республики Казахстан» от центра педагогического мастерства АОО " Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы (03.01-12.03.2019 СТ № 000590);



On 16.05.2019, for significant achievements in the education and upbringing of the younger generation, she was awarded the badge "Y.Altynsarin".

Letter of thanks from the Committee for Control in the Field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2015); Letter of thanks from the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Textbook" (2016); II Republican meeting of teachers of the preschool education and training system " heart hammered by a child " award of the International Academician of Education Development (2017); Letter of thanks from the Regional Department of Education (2018).

Niyetbay Kazyna

Niyetbay Kazyna

Assistant professor

Candidate of Philology

St. Gagarin, 143-16




Born on 12/22/1952 in the village. Dzhusaly, Karmakshy district, Kyzylorda region. 1970-1974 studied at the Faculty of Philology of the Chimkent Pedagogical Institute. Qualification "Teacher of the Russian language and literature". From August 1974 to August 1989 she worked in the schools of the Karmaksha district of the Kyzylorda region. From September 1989 to August 1991 she worked at the Department of Modern Russian Language of the Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute as a senior teacher. From 1991 to 1993 studied at the target graduate school of the Kazan State University named after V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin, which she graduated with the defense of her Ph.D. thesis. Academic degree - candidate of philological sciences, academic title - associate professor. From January to August 1994 she worked as a senior lecturer at the Kyzylorda State University. Korkyt-ata. From September 1994 to August 1997 she worked at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the SHO MKTU. From September 1997 to August 2016 she worked as an associate professor at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the South Kazakhstan State University named after I. M. Auezova.

From September 2016 to August 2017 she worked as the head of the department of Kazakh and foreign languages at the International Humanitarian and Technical University. From September 2017 to the present, I have been working at the Department of Primary Education Methods of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University as an associate professor.

The total teaching experience is 47 years, of which academic experience is 32 years.




Educational Institution Qualifications Study Time

Chimkent Pedagogical

Institute named after N.K.

Krupskaya Specialty "Teacher of the Russian language and literature" 1970-1974

Postgraduate studies at the

Kazan State University named

after V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin Candidate of Philological Sciences 1991-1993



Name of academic degree Field of science Date of awarding the diploma

Candidate of Philological

Sciences Onomastics, Kazakh anthroponymy 30.12.1993 Nostrification of the diploma 27.06.1997 № 0003044




Name of academic degree Field of science Date of awarding the diploma

Associate Professor of

Linguistics Linguistics 20.02.1998 г. Series DTS No. 0002658


Bachelor degree:

Fundamentals of the modern Russian language

Literary reading training according to the updated program

Russian language teaching method

Children's literature

Practical Russian



1. "Composite names as specific forms of Kazakh anthroponyms" // Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the IX MNPK "Global science. Development and novelty ". 28.02.2019. Vienna: Ed. Research Center "L-Journal", 2019. - P. 98-101 (co-author Tautaeva G.B.)

2. "On the peculiarities of the semantics of Kazakh female personal names" // Collection of scientific works of the VII ISPC "General question of world science." - 03/30/2019. - Brussels: Ed. Research Center "L-Journal", 2019. - pp. 35-37 (co-author Orazbaeva E.B.)

3. "Kazakhsik personal names with the semantic content" longevity "// Journal with Impact factor (3.58)" Bulletin of Science and Education ". - M .: Publishing house "Problems of Science", 2019. - No. 23. - P. 18-21 37.

4. "Intentions as a means of implementing the communicative task" // Materials of the MNPK "Baytanaev readings - 8: Abai's legacy - the treasure of the people", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai. - Shymkent: SKSPU, 2020 .-- S. 419-422.

5. "Formation of communication skills of primary school teachers" // Journal "Science and Life of Kazakhstan". - Almaty, 2020. - No. 12/7 (153). - S. 355-358 (co-author B.Sh. Baimusaeva)



1. "Course of lectures on the discipline" Normative Russian language ". - Shymkent: SKSPU, 2018

2. "Course of lectures on the discipline" Fundamentals of the modern Russian language. " - Shymkent: SKSPU, 2019

3. "Methodical instructions for practical training in the discipline" Russian language ". Part 1. - Shymkent: SKSPU, 2019

4. "Methodological instructions for the IWS and IWS on the discipline" Russian language ". - Shymkent: SKSPU, 2019

5. "Methodological instructions for practical classes in the discipline" Practical Russian language "- Shymkent: SKSPU, 2020



1. “Education. Innovation. Languages". - 3-10 August 2019 72 s. - Shymkent. II Eurasian School of Cultural Diplomacy (Uyymdastyrushy Al-Farabi atyndagy KazMU)

2. "Teaching literary reading according to the updated program" -

- Advanced training in the DAMUTEK center, online courses. April, 2020.72 h.

3. "Professional development of specialists in the context of new requirements for the quality of educational literature." - In the Republican Scientific and Methodological Center "Textbook". Nur-Sultan, 31.03.-10.04.2021.- 72 h.



1. Jubilee medal "South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute - 80 years". 03/08/2020.

2. Letter of gratitude from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For contribution to the development of education and participation in the review of educational and methodological complexes." Nur-Sultan, April 2021

3. Certificate of honor of the Republican Scientific and Methodological Center "Textbook".

Nur-Sultan, 10.04.2021.

Issaliyeva Nurbagila Ceithankizi

Issaliyeva Nurbagila Ceithankizi

Master's degree teacher

14 G. Ilyaeva Str.





He was born on May 15, 1990 in Zhetysai, Maktaaral district, South Kazakhstan region. In 2007-2011 . He graduated from the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University with a degree in 5B011300 – "Biology". 2014-2016 He graduated with a master's degree in 6M011300 – "Biology" at Syrdarya University. He started his career in 2012 as a kindergarten teacher "Bal Bobek". In 2013, he is a lobarant of the Department of Psychology of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute, since 2017-Master of the Department of "Methodology of Primary Education" of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University. Total experience of 9 years, 8 years 3 months in KSPU, teaching experience-4 years 3 years.


Educational institution Qualification Graduation date

Kazakh state women's

Pedagogical University Bachelor of education in the specialty 5B011300 – "Biology" 2007-2011 years

Syrdarya University Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 6m011300 - "Biology" 2014-2016 years



"Fundamentals of natural science"," methods of teaching Natural Science"," Teaching worldview according to the updated program","physiological psychological development of students".



1National, regional conferences (articles, abstracts)" use of innovative technologies in biology teaching", Astana, NSC Ziat" innovative methods and technologies of Education " 2015.

2) Republican scientific and Practical Conference of students and undergraduates dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan "the place of young scientists in the scientific and innovative development of Kazakhstan" Volume II "Syrdarya" University, Zhetysai Republican, regional conferences "description of the areological and bioecological features of saxaul species in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the regions of Central Asia" (articles, abstracts), (2015)

3) ISCIENCE.IN.UA current scientific studies in the modern world: IX International."no," I said."practice. int."conf., January 26-27, 2016, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky. // Sat. "I don't know," he said. 9, p. 4 – 142 P. scientific journals and publications specializing in "root systems of arid plants in the South Kazakhstan Region" (International) (2016)

4) ISCIENCE.IN.UA current scientific studies in the modern world: IX International."no," I said."practice. int."conf., January 26-27, 2016, Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky. // Sat. "I don't know,"

he said. 9, p. 4 – 142 P. scientific journals and publications specializing in "arid plants culturally cultivated in desert and semi-desert regions of Kazakhstan" (International) (2016)

5) materials of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute" Ruhani zhangyru national education system and world experience "regional conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan" Increasing the activity of students through the use of National Games "(articles, abstracts) Shymkent, publishing house "Ontustik polygraphy", 2017.

6) scientific and practical international conference on the topic: "distance learning and education of the XXI century: professional training of post-graduate and additional education" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the 16th session of the upper Soviet of the Republic of Tajikistan and youth of the year "environmental education of Primary School students through the subject of Worldview" International Conference Tajik Pedagogical Institute in Beijing 2017

7) multidisciplinary scientific edition, International Academy Journal Web of Scholar 8(17), November 2017 (Rincz) "the main problems of spiritual education of future generations in the system of Continuing Education" International Academy Journal Web of Scholar RS Global Sp.z.O.O. Warsaw. Poland. 2017

8) International Scientific and practical conference "art and education in the modern political and cultural space" collection of scientific articles "flora of Regions contaminated with oil and petroleum products in Shymkent"

9) international scientific and Practical Conference" new Breath Of The Great Steppe "collection of scientific articles" methods of effective feedback " 2019

10) international scientific and Practical Conference" new Breath of the Great Steppe "collection of scientific articles" features of the organization of international educational institutions in the beginning school " 2019.

11) international scientific and Practical Conference" Creativity of a teacher in the context of innovative education "" features of writing in literacy " Shymkent 2019



1. training of trainers in the amount of 120 academic hours under the educational program of advanced training of pedagogical personnel in primary school subjects within the framework of updating the content of Secondary Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the center of pedagogical skills of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools", Astana, 26.03.2019-13.04.2018.

2.completed a course in the amount of 232 academic hours under the program of additional professional education for final-year students of higher educational institutions that train teachers, developed on the basis of multi-level programs of advanced training of teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (Nur-Sultan), 2019.

3.on 03.09.21, he completed a training course in the amount of 80 academic hours under the educational program of advanced training courses on the methodology of Applied Research for teachers of universities and colleges developed by the Center for pedagogical excellence of AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools".



1. Project "Best Student-2019". Thank you letter. (Nur-Sultan, 2019), poetry contest "talented youth of the Great Steppe", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev. Letter of thanks (Shymkent 2019).

Kosherbaeva Aziza Nuralievna

Kosherbaeva Aziza Nuralievna


Master in Pedagogy and Psychology

G. Ilyaeva street, 14




She was born on January 1, 1972 in the village of Karasai, Korday district, Zhambyl region. 1987-1991 graduated the Abai Pedagogical School. 1997-2002 Graduated Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati, specialty 0706 - "Finance and Credit". 2002-2004 Graduated from Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati with a degree in Pedagogy and Psychology. She worked at school # 31 in the city of Taraz. In 2019-2021, in the dissertation council of the International Taraz Innovation Institute, for a master's degree in pedagogical sciences in the specialty 7M01101 - "Pedagogy and Psychology" and an educational program. - defended her thesis on "Research of the influence of family education on the formation of students' self-esteem" and received a master's degree in pedagogy. Since 2020 she has worked at the Miras University at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. In 2021, she worked as a teacher at the Department of Primary Education Methods at the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University. Teaching experience - years.


Qualification of an educational institution Completion date Completion date

Taraz State University named

after M.Kh. Dulati Graduated Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati with a degree in Pedagogy and Psychology. 2002-2004

Taraz State University named

after M.Kh. Dulati Taraz International Innovation Institute, specialty 7M01101 - "Pedagogy and Psychology" and Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the educational program 2019-2021

Dzhumasayeva Zhulduz Abayevna

 Dzhumasayeva Zhulduz Abayevna


Utegenova 731 a




He was born on January 13, 1987 in the village of Akzhar, Saryagash district, South Kazakhstan region, 2004-2008.Graduated from Shymkent Socio–Pedagogical University with a degree in 5b010200 - "Pedagogy and methods of primary education". He graduated with a bachelor's degree in the specialty 5B010200 – "Pedagogy and methods of primary education". 2020-2022 He graduated from the magistracy of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University with a degree in 7M01310 - "pedagogy and methods of primary education". He began his career in 2012-2022 as a primary school teacher at the general secondary School No. 2 named after A. Bokeikhanov. Since September 1, 2022, he has been working as a teacher of the Department of "Methods of primary Education" of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University. Teaching experience-10 years.


Educational institution


End date

Shymkent Socio-Pedagogical University

"5В010200-Pedagogy and methods of primary education" Bachelor of Education in the specialty


M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University

7М01310- «Магистр педагогических наук по специальности»




Bachelor course  


Research topic: methods of using vitagenic technology in the formation of the pedagogical culture of the future primary school teacher.


1. Amirova A. S., Nazaralieva G. T., Akhataeva U. B. creative tasks on literary reading in primary classes.Methodical manual. - Shymkent, 2020. - 206 p. ISBN 978-9965-32-453-6. teacher

Sauytbaeva Indira Duissenalievna

Sauytbaeva Indira Duissenalievna

Senior Lecturer

K.Ospanov 44



Sauytbaeva Indira Duysenalievna, master of pedagogical sciences, was born in the village of Algabas, Shieli district of the Kyzylorda region. In 2005-2009, she studied and graduated with honors from the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, majoring in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education. In 2009-2011, she studied at the Abai Master's Degree program, defended her master's thesis on "The possibility of using calculators in mathematics lessons in elementary grades." In 2011-2012, she worked as a teacher-master of the Department of Humanities of the South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute named after M.Saparbayev. Since 2012, the teacher has been a master of the Department of "Methods of teaching primary education" of the Humanitarian and Social scientific school of the SKSPI. She has completed teacher training courses and has the appropriate certificates. She is the author of more than 25 articles. Since 2019, he has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of "Methods of Primary Education" of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University. Teaching experience - 12 years.



Educational institution


End date

Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Bachelor of Education in the specialty 5B010200–"pedagogy and methods of primary education"

2005-2009 yy.

Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 6M010200–"pedagogy and methods of primary education"

2009-2011 yy.



Kalzhanova Altynay Kenzhemuratovna


Личная информация


Дата рождения: 08.05.1973г.

Национальность: казашка

Семейное положение: замужем

Опыт работы

1995-1998 – сш №85 Сайрамского района

преподаватель русского языка и литературы

1999-2004 – Университет «Мирас»

преподаватель русского языка и литературы департамента языковых дисциплин

2004 – 2008 – Университет «Мирас»

директор Педагогического института университета «Мирас»

2008-2010- Университет «Мирас»

ст. преподаватель департамента языковых дисциплин

2011-2012 – Университет «Мирас»

начальник учебно-методического управления

2012-2014 - Директор ЮКЭТ колледжа «Мирас»

2014- Южно-Казахстанскийгосударственный педагогический университет

кандидат филологических наук, завкафедрырусского  языка и литературы


Высшее, кандидат филологических наук (2005 г. ИЯ РАН г. Москва). Специальность 10.02.19. – Теория языка

Тема диссертационного исследования: «Психолингвистические аспекты соотнесенности эмотивной и колористической лексики (на материале русского и казахского языков)»


Знание языков

Казахский – родной, русский – свободно, английский, турецкий – читаю, перевожу со словарем.



Muldabek Kulakhmet

Muldabek Kulakhmet

Professor, academician of the APN, holder of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best university teacher 2016", honorary teacher of Kazakhstan, "honorary citizen" of Ordabasinsky district of Turkestan region

17 m / n, 11a, 19 sq.

8-701 436 85 61


He was born on February 17, 1947 in the village of Shubar in Ordabasinsky district of Turkestan region in a peasant family. In 1965 he graduated from secondary school No. 7 named after K. Sypatayev in Shymkent, in 1969 he graduated from the philological faculty of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Kazakh language and literature teacher.

1969-1977. teacher at school. Secretary of the school Komsomol organization.

1977-1979. laboratory assistant, senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute. Since 1979 he has been a teacher. In 1983, senior lecturer. In 1985, Candidate of Philological Sciences. In 1989, associate professor. From 1990 to 1996 he worked as the head of the department. connection with the unification of universities, Head of the Department "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education" of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.

Modular educational programs for master's and doctoral studies for the 2019/2020 academic year in the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" have been developed in accordance with new requirements and entered into the register of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  

Project for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects

2021-2023"formation of speech skills of students at Kazakh language lessons in primary school through information technology"

IRN AP09259033 we thank the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for an objective and objective assessment of the scientific project.

The total work experience is 52 years, including 44 years of experience in higher education. The number of scientific works published by school teachers (author associations) and universities is more than 500, including 5 monographs, 10 dictionaries, RUMS-1, textbooks recommended by the Educational Council of the university-17, in publications approved by the Committee for Supervision and certification in the field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan published-58, in journals attached to the Scopus database – 13 articles approved by the order of electronic learning tools-17, copyright certificates-18                                                                                                




Shymkent Pedagogical University





Candidate of Philological Sciences


Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences


Academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences


Professor of Pedagogy




PhD, Professor, Professor of the Department "Methods of primary education" of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University



"Academic writing", "lexical and grammatical study of the Kazakh language in primary school","theory and methodology of teaching literary reading"



Passed advanced training in the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" on the topic "modern pedagogical technologies of education in higher educational institutions" in the amount of 72 hours. Certificate No. 05043 dated 23.10.2019 Turkestan


The certificate was issued by the Center for Advanced Training and additional education "Galym Nur" for completing a refresher course in the discipline "modern pedagogical technologies of primary education" in the amount of 72 academic hours



Medal "D. A. Kunaev 105 years old";


Academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences;


Professor of Pedagogy;


Diploma of Akim of South Kazakhstan region;


""Honorary citizen" of Ordabasinsky district;


Winner of the medal "For Services to the region";


 He was awarded the badge named after Professor B. S. Yunusov.


"Certificate of Honor" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


 Badge "Kazakstannyn kurmetti ustazy"


Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from Minister A. Aimagambetov for many years of work and contribution to the development of the education system, contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation and achievements 


Badge"Honorary Professor of Kazakhstan"


Badge "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan"


Badge " The best teacher-2022 " and I degree



1. At the lesson of the technology of the game of future specialists

conditions of application / / Science and life of Kazakhstan International Popular Science Magazine No. 1 (73) 2019, Astana, B153-156, (Moldabek, Tsoi A. A.)

2. Work with the text by the method of communion in primary classes / / Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, 2019. -.№2 (88). - Pp. 23-28 (Moldabek, Kalyshbaeva G. D., Sarybaev D. T.)

3. Formation of students' speech skills through information technology/ / Bulletin of the Scientific journal of Toraighyrov University, pedagogical series ISSN 2710-2661 No. 3 (2021) Pavlodar 139-147b.

(K. Moldabek, R. I. Kenzhebekova)

4. Specific pedagogical and psychological personality selfless work of students / / science and life of Kazakhstan International Scientific and popular journal № 3/4 2020, Astana, B265-268 (Moldabek K., Zhaulybayev zh. K., Bektayeva N. T.)

5. knowledge of continuous work in mathematics in the initial classes/ /(Kenzhebekova R. I., Moldabek) / / science and life of Kazakhstan International Scientific and popular journal № 1 (54) 2018, pp. 137-145, B4%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0%20172-176%20%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80.pdf

6. Some problems of formation of students' communicative competence/ / Science and life of Kazakhstan International popular Science journal No. 1 2020, pp. 105-109 (Moldabek K., Apzil A. A.)

7. Formation of skills of future primary school teachers / / science and life of Kazakhstan. No. 12/7 (153) 2020.- Astana, - pp. 343-347 (Moldabek, Zhaulybaev Zh. K.)

8. Information technologies-an effective method of forming speech skills Bulletin of the scientific journal of Toraigyrov University, pedagogical series ISSN 2710-2661 No. 1 (2022) Pavlodar 88-101 (Kenzhebekova R. I., Moldabek K., Nishanova K. S.)

1. Marzhan, D., Maxat , D. ., Akbota, A., Moldabek , K., Rabiga, K., & Rysbayeva, G. . (2022). The development of computational skills of visually impaired children of primary classes. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciencesthis link is disabled, 2022, 17(2), стр. 451–463

Процентиль 36%

2. Ashirbekovna, S.Z., Kulakhmet, M., Aizhumashevna, A.A., ...Muratbekovna, O.L., Borashkyzy, A.U.

Scientific methodological basis of teaching primary school pupils

language by developing speaking activities, 2022, 17(5), стр. 1825–1837 Перцентилі 36%

3. Kulakhmet, M., Hajrullina, A., Oleksiuk, N., ...Protas, O., Ragozina, V. 2022,

Professional Training of Managers in the Information and Educational Environment of Universities Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership Studies, 2022, 3(2), стр. 53–70

1. G. Moldabek, Karakulova Zh. M., Zholdasova S. B. author's program "Formation of reading and writing skills in the study of the Kazakh language in primary schools" Almaty, 2020

2. Moldabek K., Simonova B. I., Kenzhebekova .And. P technologies of rapid learning in primary classes author's program Almaty, 2020

3. Moldabek K., Kenzhebekova R. I. teaching the Kazakh language in primary school with the use of participation technology-Almaty: TechSmith, 2020. - 184 s

4. Kenzhebekova R. I., G. Moldabek, extracurricular work in primary school mathematics: theory and methodology-Almaty: TechSmith, 2020.-124 P.


2021- 2023

AP09259033 Formation of students' speech skills at Kazakh language lessons in primary school through information technology


State registration number 0121RK00691, Contract № 229/36-21-23, "15" April 2021




Kenzhebekova Rabiga Ibragimovna


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holder of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Best University teacher 2015", "Honorary Teacher of Kazakhstan", "Honorary Professor of Kazakhstan"

17 m / n, 11a, 19 sq.

8-702 420 5052

Bergen Isakhanov, now Ordabasinsky district of Turkestan region, was born on June 5, 1961 in a peasant family. In 1979 he graduated from the M. Lomonosov secondary school in the village of Kultogan, Ordabasinsky district of Turkestan region, in 1980 he entered the preparatory department of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute in mathematics, in 1984 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics with a degree in mathematics teacher.

After graduation, he began his career: 1984-1988 as a school teacher. In 1989, he worked as the first deputy for the educational work of the gymnasium school No. 65 named after Y.Altynsarina of Enbekshinsky district, Shymkent.

In 1993, he was a laboratory assistant at the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics of the Shymkent Pedagogical Institute. From 1994 to 2004, lecturer, senior lecturer of the department "Theory and methodology of primary Education". In 2005, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. In 2011, associate professor.

Modular educational programs for master's and doctoral studies for the 2019/2020 academic year in the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" have been developed in accordance with new requirements and entered into the register of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  

The total work experience is 43 years, including 38 years of experience in higher education. The number of scientific works published by school teachers (author associations) and universities is more than 468, including 5 monographs, 10 dictionaries, RUMS-1, textbooks recommended by the Educational Council of the university -7, in publications approved by the Committee for Supervision and certification in the field of education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan published-58, in journals attached to the Scopus database – 16 articles, approved by the order of electronic learning tools – 17, copyright certificates-23.




Shymkent Pedagogical University



Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences




Corresponding member of the Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences


Professor of Pedagogy


Academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Pedagogical Sciences




Ph.D., Professor of the Department "Methods of primary education" of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University


"Methods of mathematical processing in pedagogical research", "Fundamentals of mathematics"



Passed advanced training in the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" on the topic "modern pedagogical technologies of education in higher educational institutions" in the amount of 72 hours. Certificate No. 05043 dated 23.10.2019 Turkestan


The certificate was issued by the Center for Advanced Training and additional education "Galym Nur" for completing a refresher course in the discipline "modern pedagogical technologies of primary education" in the amount of 72 academic hours




Member of the trade union organization of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University




Awarded the honorary title of "Honored Worker of Science and Education".



Gold Medal "for innovative work in higher education"


"Best university teacher" of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


"Certificate of Honor" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for many years of work and contribution to the development of the education system, contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation and achievements Minister


 Letter of thanks from A. Aimagambetov


"The best candidate of Sciences-2019"


Badge "Kazakstannyn kurmetti ustazy"


Badge "Honorary Professor of Kazakhstan"


 Badge "30 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan"



1. Improving the cognitive abilities of students in mathematics lessons in primary classes / / Science and life of Kazakhstan International Popular Science Journal No. 1 (73) 2019, pp. 125-127 Astana (Kenzhebekova R. I., Zhailau G. A.)

2. Mastering accounting directions in primary classes / / Science and life of Kazakhstan International Popular Science Journal No. 1 2020, pp. 78-82, Astana (Kenzhebekova R. I., Maulenberdieva G. B., Zhaulybaev Zh. K.)

3. Text report methods and techniques of working with it / / Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan No. 2 (88), 2019, Almaty. pp. 19-22 (Kenzhebekova R. I., Rakhimbek D., Rizayeva L. A.)

4. Students through group work in primary school

increasing interest in the subject (Kenzhebekova R. I., Kazybayeva K. U.)// Science and life of Kazakhstan International Popular Science Journal No. 1 (54) 2018, pp. 137-145, B4%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0%20172-176%20%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80.pdf

 5. Form of extracurricular activities in primary school/ / Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan No. 1 (January-February), 2018, Almaty, B71-74 (R. I. Kenzhebekova) b1e25cb801_2018_1.pdf

6. Information technologies-an effective method of forming speech skills Bulletin of the scientific journal of Toraighyrov University, pedagogical series ISSN 2710-2661 No. 1 (2022) Pavlodar 88-101 (Kenzhebekova R. I., Moldabek K., Nishanova K. S.)

8. Development of education: formulation, study of problems / / Science and life of Kazakhstan.  No. 3/4 2020. - Astana, pp. 246-250 (Kenzhebekova R. I. Kaldybaev S. K. Rizaeva L. A. )Marzhan, D., Maxat , D. ., Akbota, A., Moldabek , K., Rabiga, K., & Rysbayeva, G. . (2022). The development of computational skills of visually impaired children of primary classes. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciencesthis link is disabled, 2022, 17(2), стр. 451–463

Перцентилі 36%

  1. Elmira, U., Abay, D., Shaimahanovna, D. A., Erzhenbaikyzy, M. A., Aigul, A., & Rabikha, K. (2022). The importance of game technology in primary education. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 14(4), 996–1004. Перцентилі 57%

  1.  Luiza, R., Rabiga, K., Amina, A., Borashkyzy, A. U., Uaidullakyzy, E. & Bakhytgul, S. (2022). Formation of research skills of students through solving problems in teaching mathematics in primary classes. Cypriot Journal of Educational Science. 17(8), 2567–2579. Перцентилі 36%

1. Kenzhebekova R. I., Aizhozhaeva P. U., Musa K. O., Turdieva G. A., author's program "Complex Mathematics".Almaty 2020

2.Kenzhebekova R. I., G. Moldabek, Yuldasheva D. H., Mukumova Z. P., author's program "Logic and resourcefulness". Almaty 2020

3.Kenzhebekova R. I., Rizayeva L. A., Kishtai G. E. author's program "Updated content of education: interesting grammar" Almaty 2020

4. Kenzhebekova R. I., G. Moldabek, Extracurricular work in primary school mathematics: theory and methodology-Almaty: TechSmith, 2020.-124 P.


2021- 2023

AP09259033 Formation of students' speech skills at Kazakh language lessons in primary school through information technology


State registration number 0121RK00691, Contract № 229/36-21-23, "15" April 2021