Department of Biology
Achievements of the faculty
Achievements of the Department of Biology
The teaching staff of the highest level of the Department of Biology:
The Department of Biology employs 22 teaching staff. Of these, 1 academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor; 2 Doctors of Sciences, professors; 10 candidates of sciences and associate professors; 3 senior teachers, 6 masters. The teaching staff has a high level of professional quality.
The department trains bachelors in the specialties 6b01505 - biology teacher training, 6b05101 - Biology, 5b011300 - "Biology", 5b060700 –"Biology" and masters in the specialties 7m01505 - biology, 7m05101-Biology, 6M011300-Biology, 6m060700 - biology, doctoral students in the specialty 8d01505-biology.
At the department, the holder of the state grant " The best university teacher - 2007 ", PhD, Professor Khalila A. N., the holder of the state grant "The Best university teacher - 2007, 2011", associate professor Sartaeva H. M., the holder of the state grant "The Best university teacher-2012", associate professor Baiseitova N. M. In addition, a number of teachers have been awarded state awards and decorations. Exactly:,
The badge "The best teacher of the year" for special merits in the field of education was awarded to the acting associate professor, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Alpamysova G. B.;
In honor of the anniversary " 80 years of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University ", the head of the department, PhD, associate professor Baiseitova N. M. was awarded with a badge for merits in the field of education and science.
In honor of the anniversary " 80 years of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University ", the badge For merits in the field of education and science was awarded to PhD, associate professor Sartaeva H. M.
In honor of the anniversary " 80 years of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University ", the badge For merits in the field of education and science was awarded to Candidate of Science, senior lecturer Khalikova G. S.
In honor of the anniversary "80 years of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University", PhD, associate Professor Zhapparbergenova E. B. was awarded the badge For merits in the field of education and science
. For creative work in the education system and success in teaching and educating the younger generation, Sartaeva H. M. was awarded the badge "Excellent Student of Education".
Teachers of the Biology Department took part in training seminars and advanced training courses of well-known foreign educational institutions within the framework of the external academic mobility program:
Bayseitova N.M. visited the universities of Gazi and Kyrykkale (Ankara, Turkey); ;
Master of Biology Erekbayeva A. T. took advanced training courses at the University of New Gasl (New Gasl, UK);
Master of Biology Kalshoraeva B. N. took part in a training seminar on "improving pedagogical qualifications", which was held at the University of Valencia in Valencia, Spain.
The department is equipped with modern equipment, multimedia equipment, microscopes, several classrooms and laboratories.
No. 100 - Zoological Laboratory.
No. 102 - lecture hall
No. 105 - Laboratory of Microbiology, Biotechnology, Cytology and histology.
No. 106-human anatomy, human and animal physiology.
No. 108 - Laboratory of botany, plant physiology.
No. 213-lecture hall
No. 221-lecture hall
The personnel policy of the department is to ensure the graduation of bachelors, undergraduates and doctoral students in biological specialties and to address issues of improving the quality indicators of the university. Every year, work is carried out to implement the department's development plans. In the course of the personnel policy, the department pays special attention to the formation of the relationship between teachers and students, in which the transfer and development of accumulated knowledge, thoughts, and experience is effectively implemented.
Refers to the field of professional activity of graduates:
- biology teacher in secondary school, lyceum, gymnasium, college; - - national parks, zoos, arboretums;
- environmental and environmental organizations;
-research organizations in the field of biology, industrial biotechnology.
Achievements of the Department of Biology
The teaching staff of the highest level of the Department of Biology:
The Department of Biology employs 22 teaching staff. Of these, 1 academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor; 2 Doctors of Sciences, professors; 10 candidates of sciences and associate professors; 3 senior teachers, 6 masters. The teaching staff has a high level of professional quality.
The department trains bachelors in the specialties 6b01505 - biology teacher training, 6b05101 - Biology, 5b011300 - "Biology", 5b060700 –"Biology" and masters in the specialties 7m01505 - biology, 7m05101-Biology, 6M011300-Biology, 6m060700 - biology, doctoral students in the specialty 8d01505-biology.
At the department, the holder of the state grant " The best university teacher - 2007 ", PhD, Professor Khalila A. N., the holder of the state grant "The Best university teacher - 2007, 2011", associate professor Sartaeva H. M., the holder of the state grant "The Best university teacher-2012", associate professor Baiseitova N. M. In addition, a number of teachers have been awarded state awards and decorations. Exactly:,
The badge "The best teacher of the year" for special merits in the field of education was awarded to the acting associate professor, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Alpamysova G. B.;
In honor of the anniversary " 80 years of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University ", the head of the department, PhD, associate professor Baiseitova N. M. was awarded with a badge for merits in the field of education and science.
In honor of the anniversary " 80 years of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University ", the badge For merits in the field of education and science was awarded to PhD, associate professor Sartaeva H. M.
In honor of the anniversary " 80 years of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University ", the badge For merits in the field of education and science was awarded to Candidate of Science, senior lecturer Khalikova G. S.
In honor of the anniversary "80 years of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University", PhD, associate Professor Zhapparbergenova E. B. was awarded the badge For merits in the field of education and science
. For creative work in the education system and success in teaching and educating the younger generation, Sartaeva H. M. was awarded the badge "Excellent Student of Education".
Teachers of the Biology Department took part in training seminars and advanced training courses of well-known foreign educational institutions within the framework of the external academic mobility program:
Bayseitova N.M. visited the universities of Gazi and Kyrykkale (Ankara, Turkey); ;
Master of Biology Erekbayeva A. T. took advanced training courses at the University of New Gasl (New Gasl, UK);
Master of Biology Kalshoraeva B. N. took part in a training seminar on "improving pedagogical qualifications", which was held at the University of Valencia in Valencia, Spain.
The department is equipped with modern equipment, multimedia equipment, microscopes, several classrooms and laboratories.
No. 100 - Zoological Laboratory.
No. 102 - lecture hall
No. 105 - Laboratory of Microbiology, Biotechnology, Cytology and histology.
No. 106-human anatomy, human and animal physiology.
No. 108 - Laboratory of botany, plant physiology.
No. 213-lecture hall
No. 221-lecture hall
The personnel policy of the department is to ensure the graduation of bachelors, undergraduates and doctoral students in biological specialties and to address issues of improving the quality indicators of the university. Every year, work is carried out to implement the department's development plans. In the course of the personnel policy, the department pays special attention to the formation of the relationship between teachers and students, in which the transfer and development of accumulated knowledge, thoughts, and experience is effectively implemented.
Refers to the field of professional activity of graduates:
- biology teacher in secondary school, lyceum, gymnasium, college; - - national parks, zoos, arboretums;
- environmental and environmental organizations;
-research organizations in the field of biology, industrial biotechnology.
"Ustazym – Ulagatym, Ulgi onegem!" !"As part of the festive event dedicated to the Teacher's Day, the teaching staff of the Department of Biology
The winner of the grant of the intra–university funding competition for scientific projects for 2022-2023, PhD, Professor Halima Mamadzhanovna Sartaeva - awarded a certificate of 2,000,000 tons.
- For a scientific article published in peer-reviewed journals of the teaching staff of KSPU, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor Galiya Altynbekovna Rysbaev-190,000 tons was awarded a certificate.
- For a scientific article published in peer-reviewed journals of the KSPU faculty, Ph.D., Acting Associate Professor Uspabayeva Aigul Amankulovna was awarded a certificate-90,000 tons.
- For a letter of thanks from the rector of the South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University and a scientific article published in peer-reviewed journals of the teaching staff of SKSPU, PhD, Associate Professor Zhapparbergenova Elmira Begimbaevna was awarded a certificate - 55,000 tons.
- For a scientific article published in peer-reviewed journals of the teaching staff of KSPU, PhD, senior lecturer Poshaeva Gulzhamila Serikbayevna was awarded a certificate-55 000tn.
- For a scientific article published in peer-reviewed journals of the teaching staff of KSPU, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior lecturer Khalikova Gulmira Satybaldievna-awarded a certificate of 25 000tn.
- For a scientific article published in peer-reviewed journals of the teaching staff of KSPU, PhD, Professor Sartaeva Halima Mamadzhanovna-awarded a certificate of 30 000tn.
- Associate Professor Bayseitova Nurila Makulbekovna was awarded a certificate of 55,000 tons for a scientific article published in peer-reviewed journals of the teaching staff of KSPU.