Department of Accreditation and Monitoring


Department of Accreditation and Monitoring

The main functions of the Accreditation and Monitoring Department:

- organizes an external audit on institutional and specialized accreditation/reaccreditation;

- organization and preparation of post-accreditation monitoring of the university and educational programs;

- Analyzes the results of the assessment of the quality of education of students, conducted on the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science;

- preparation of analytical materials for the structural units of the University to improve their positions in national and international rankings;

- conducting seminars for heads of departments to explain the conditions of participation in national and international ratings and develop proposals to improve positions in the ratings;

- Organizes and conducts a rating assessment of the activities of teaching staff, departments and faculties;

- conducts sociological research and analyzes the results of studying the satisfaction of internal consumers (teaching staff, students) with the quality of educational services of the university;

- -provides recommendations to the management on measures to improve the university's activities, taking into account the opinions of consumers.

Department Employees

Turlybekova Altynaу Asankhanovna

Head of the accreditation and Monitoring Department

Candidate of sociological Sciences



Omarova Raykhan Daribayevna
Chief Specialist of the Accreditation and Monitoring Department 

Tileubaeva Gulzhamila Usenovna

Chief Specialist of the Accreditation and Monitoring Department
