Department of Strategic Planning and Management


Department of Strategic Planning and Management

Strategic Planning and Management Department

Department of "Strategic Planning and Management" is a structural subdivision of  "South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University named after U.Zhanibekov", including quality management system, internal evaluation of the quality of education of the university and various self-assessment procedures.

The "Strategic Planning and Management" department is organized by the decision of the Board of Directors of SKPU named after U.Zhanibekov by the order of the Chairman of the Board - Rector.

          Strategic Planning and Management Department is subordinated to the Member of the Board-Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Social Affairs and interacts with all structural subdivisions of the University.

The main functions of the department of strategic planning and management:

- organization and management of the strategic planning process;

- creation and development of the system of balanced indicators of strategic planning;

- participation in the implementation of the university's strategic objectives and target programs in the field of quality;

- realization of the university policy and objectives in the field of quality;

- fulfillment of tasks and requirements of the quality management system in the field of quality; - - participation and coordination of development and implementation of QMS documents of the university;

- organization of participation of universities in competitions at industry, national and international levels on quality;

- organization of work on verification of conformity (certification) of the university quality management system at the national and international levels.



Head of Strategic Planning and Management Department

Kalibayeva Dinara Bahaduraliyevna


Chief Specialist of the Department of Strategic Planning, Management 
Imanberdieva Meruert Nurlykhanovana



Specialist of the Department of Strategic Planning, Management
Raimkulova Zhanna Bekmanovna

