Center of Uzbekali Zhanibekov


Center of Uzbekali Zhanibekov

Based on the program article of Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev "A look into the future: modernization of public consciousness" in order to train a competitive specialist of a new type in the education system, patriotic education of the younger generation, familiarization with the historical and cultural values of the nation and the development on a scientific basis of work in these areas, the rector of the university as a department cooperating with other structures in the walls of the university, celebrated on December 4, 2017.- in accordance with the order No. 4-74 of the SKSPU, the Rukhani Zhangyru center was established. This center has turned into a department of "Rukhani zhangyru and tarbieh" since the 2020-2021 academic year. Currently, the center "Ozbekali Zhanibekov" has been transformed into a center where the head and 2 specialists work.


Orazbaeva Elmira Beisenbaevna
Head of the center
Candidate of Philology




Zhundibaeva Zhansaya Sapargalievna
Center specialist

Zhumabayuly Darkhan