Internationalization Office


Internationalization Office

About the Department

South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 152 dated April 20, 2011, carries out the process of improving the educational process and the development of international relations of the university through the implementation of academic mobility of students and teachers.

The main activities of the Department of International Cooperation and Academic Mobility:
- preparation of interdepartmental and long-term plans for the work of international cooperation and academic mobility and development of plans for the development of international relations of the university;
- coordination of the activities of the relevant departments of the university in the field of joint educational programs and programs of double-diploma education;
- search and dissemination of information about international programs, projects and grants that allow the participation of structural units, staff and students of the university;
- organization of quality control of educational programs in individual specialties in accordance with international educational standards for the purpose of joint use with educational programs of foreign partner universities within the framework of double-diploma education programs together with the head and staff of the university departments;
- participation in agreements with foreign partners in the field of foreign partnership and representation of the interests of the university;
- expanding the access of university students to foreign education;
- creation of conditions for self-education and acquisition of new skills by students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the university through the introduction of double-degree education programs;
- attraction of foreign scientists, specialists, teaching staff to exchange projects with students, provided for by the program of double-diploma education;
- advising students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the university on participation in international educational programs, double-degree programs and grants, preparation of documents for participation in passport and visa services and international relations;
- organization of reception, accommodation and visit of members of foreign delegations coming to the university in the direction of joint educational programs;
- formation of registration and control of the departure of university students abroad, outside the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- ensuring interaction with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the organization and conduct of dual education;
- participation in the development and implementation of international educational and research projects;
- preparation of annual reports on the activities of the university in the framework of joint educational programs and double-diploma programs, execution and control of partnership agreements with foreign and domestic universities, educational and scientific institutions, organizations and foundations.




Head of Internationalization Office

Abdurazova Perizat Adilbekovna



Senior specialist of Internationalization Office

Seidualiyeva Zhazira Ashirbekovna


Specialist of Internationalization Office

Bekmyrza Aimer Zhumagalikyzy




Specialist of Internationalization Office

Ospanova Zhansaya Serikbolovna