Department of Math

Educational and methodical works

Educational and methodical work

Personnel potential of the Department. According to the staff schedule at the Department there are 21.5 full-time units of the teaching staff. From them doctors of Sciences-3 (1 professors, 2 associate professors), candidates of Sciences-12 (1 Professor, 6 associate professors, 5senior teachers), masters-4. The degree of the Department is 80%.     

Provision of the Department with documents defining the content of education (standards, typical training plans, model curriculum, academic programs). In the 2021-2022 academic year, the Department prepares bachelors of higher basic education in the specialties 5B010900-Mathematics, 6B01501 - "Training of a mathematics teacher", 5B012600-Mathematics-Physics and 6B01508- "Training of a mathematics-physics teacher". For training there are state educational standards and model programs approved by the MES and on their basis were developed and approved syllabus, academic programs (Protocol No. 1 dated 27.08.2021).

For the 2021-2022 academic year, the number of elective disciplines at the Department is 42. The catalogue of elective disciplines and curricula are considered and approved by the Educational and methodical Council of the University. Syllabuses have been developed and approved on the basis of academic programs.

On all disciplines of Department educational and methodical complexes are created. An electronic database has been created.  The teaching staff uses innovative forms and methods of training (classes in the form of conferences, computer testing, videos, organizational and activity games, computer programs).

For the 1st half of the 2021-2022 academic year, the schedule of IWST admission was approved.  

Plan of publication of intra-university lecture courses, educational and methodical complexes, syllabuses, manuals and guidelines for practical, seminar and laboratory classes


Name, type

Volume (p. p .)

Author's name

Deadline for submission to the EMC


Аралас оқыту технологиясы


Kadirbayeva R.I.

October, 2021ж.


 Алгебра және  сандар теориясы


Kadirbayeva R.I.

November, 2021ж.


Аналитикалық геометриядан есептер мен жаттығулар жинағы


Abdrakhmanov K.

October  2021ж.


Ықтымалдықтар теориясы және математикалық статистика мәселелері


Baizhumanov A.

October 2021ж.


Сандар теориясы


Abdrakhmanov K.

January 2022ж.


Математикалық логика мәселелері және оларды шешу тәсілдері


Baizhumanov A.

January, 2022ж.


Элементар математикадан есептер шығару әдістемесі


Ibragimov R.I.

April, 2022ж.


Ықтымалдықтар теориясы және математикалық статистика пәнінен жеке тапсырмалар жинағы және есептер шығару әдістемесі


Kurmuysh E.

April, 2022ж.


Еселік, қисық сызықты және беттік интегралдар



Jamankarayeva M.

Sadukasova J.


February, 2022ж.


 Құзыреттілік педагогикасы


Amirbekuly A.

Мay, 2022ж.


Teachers of the department prepared and published educational and teaching aids.

The department carries out active work with employers who are invited to participate in membership in the SAC, while defending graduation theses, are included in the composition of experts, etc.





The advanced training of the faculty of the department is carried out in accordance with the advanced training plan of the University


In the fall semester of the academic year 2018-2019, 2 students of specialty 5В010900-Mathematics studied at a foreign university as part of the academic mobility program (Eger city, Karoi Esterhazy University, Hungary): Aueskhanov Nauryzbay Asanovich, Zhumabek Beksultan Nurgalievich.




During the teaching practice, students received letters of appreciation.




Thanks to the academic mobility program, our students have the opportunity to study in their own country with foreign professors. This, of course, is a great achievement achieved thanks to the Bologna process, i.e., academic mobility is one of the innovative areas of training for future teachers. As part of academic mobility, from January 23 to February 18, 2017, a professor of the Academy of Economics in Radom, doctor of pedagogical sciences Anthony Pardal, visited the Department of Physics and Mathematics of the South Kazakhstan State University. According to the schedule, lectures and practical classes were held on the subject “Modern Problems of the Methodology of Teaching Mathematics” for 2nd year students of the specialty “Mathematics.” A scientific seminar was also held under the guidance of Professor Anthony Pardala for professors, teachers, researchers and students of the institute on the topic: Mathematics and mathematical education, taking into account the peculiarities of cultural traditions of different countries of the XXI century: the current state, problems and development prospects. ” The modern issues of informatization of education and training of teachers of mathematics, as well as issues of improving the training of future teachers of mathematics were discussed.The teachers and teachers of universities in Almaty, Shymkent and other universities in Kazakhstan attended the seminar.

From November 25 to November 29, 2018, Ph.D., Associate Professor A. Amirbekuly visited the Academy of Economics in Radom and Rzeszow University in Rzeszow (Poland) in order to exchange experiences. During the scientific internship A. Amirbekuly held a number of meetings, discussions and seminars with leading foreign scientists.



Teachers of the Department Kadirbaeva R. and Amirbekuly A. took part in the XIV International scientific and practical conference "Modern information technologies and it education", which was held in Moscow state University from 20 to 24 November 2019, made a report on "Information and pedagogical technology of formation of professional competence of the future teacher-mathematician". As a result of the conference, the article of the report was submitted for publication in the journal of the HAC of the Russian Federation.